5 helpful products for people affected by dementia
Check out the five most popular products from our online shop for people affected by dementia, designed to help with day-to-day challenges for people living with dementia.
Now more than ever, it’s important to keep in touch with one another and make sure loved ones living with dementia are safe and supported at home.
All of the products featured on our online shop are tested and reviewed by people with dementia and their carers, to make sure we’re bringing you the best selection.
The five best-selling items in our online shop right now
1. Dual Display Digital Clock
The easy-to-use Dual Display Digital Clock shows the date, time, and day of the week, with a simple and clear display. It’s perfect for those who might find time orientation a challenge and is available in a range of languages, including English and Welsh. The Dual Display Digital Clock also auto-detects and adjusts the display brightness in day and night mode.
Price: £49.99 (VAT relief price £41.66)
2. Get Up in the Night Sensor Light
The Get Up in the Night Sensor Light is a bright strip LED that comes on if it’s dark and movement sets off its motion sensor, going off after 30 seconds. It can be placed alongside a person’s bed so that it comes on when they get up in the night and in many other places in the home. The sensor light can help people with dementia avoid unnecessary injury from trips or falls in the night.
Price: £16.62
3. Towel Off Shampoo
The waterless Towel Off Shampoo is a great alternative to bathing or showering. Unlike dry shampoos, waterless shampoo cleans away dirt and grease leaving hair feeling clean and healthy and comes in handy for when assisted bathing may be more of a challenge for a person living with dementia. It’s simple to use; simply apply the liquid, massage into the hair and towel dry thoroughly after.
Price: £4.68 (VAT relief price £3.90)
4. 63 Piece Jigsaw – Monet’s Garden
The 63 Piece Jigsaw puzzle is perfect for people with early stage dementia because of its large pieces and age appropriate image. The puzzle pieces are made from plastic meaning it is more durable and easier to clean than traditional jigsaws and also suitable for hospital or care home use.
Price: £14.99 (VAT relief price £12.49)
5. One Button Radio
The One Button Radio is a retro-look AM/FM radio. Once the station and volume has been set, the only visible button is a simple on-off switch. This means that if a person with dementia finds a range of buttons difficult or confusing to use, they only need to use the single button on the top of the radio to turn their favourite station on or off.
Price: £59.99 (VAT relief price £49.99)
Before you buy our products
We always offer the best prices we can by regularly comparing them. If you’re eligible, you can purchase many products at a cheaper VAT relief price.
You can also download the digital version of the daily living aids catalogue or call 0300 124 0900 (local rate) for a printed copy.
People with dementia may react differently to different products. For example, one person might find it helpful to have a recorded message that plays when they open the front door, reminding them to take their keys, while another person might find this confusing. Some people may also be wary of trying new things or find it difficult to learn new skills.
The products you purchase should suit the individual and their situation. Always speak to your healthcare professionals before buying any products if you are unsure.
Prices correct as of June 2021.
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Lindsey Borritt
saysI have a very dear friend aged 73. We served together in the WRNS, her daughter and family moved in to care for here 2yrs ago.
Sadly her speech has deteriorated to the point where only one or two words can be understood.
Her daughter and I have discussed putting a folder together in the hope that she will be able to pick out key words that we can build on.
I have one that I put together for a friend with MND. It worked.
This one with benefit hugely with pictures attached.
Do you have a ‘template’ I can purchase?
saysHello Lindsey,
Thanks for your comment. What a lovely thing to do for your friend!
While we don't have a 'template' specific to what you have mentioned, we do have some information and resources that you might be interested in.
Firstly, we have information on our website about communication, including general tips for communicating with a person with dementia, which you might find useful. You can read our information here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/symptoms-and-diagnosis/sym…
In terms of resources you can use to help with communication, we have a few products in our shop.
Our reusable signage sticker book, for example, can be used to label common household areas and items to help remind people with dementia: https://shop.alzheimers.org.uk/helpful-products/reminders/Reusable-Sign…
We also have the Hobbies Conversation Game, which can help with communication, engagement, and reminiscence: https://shop.alzheimers.org.uk/helpful-products/games-and-activities/Ho…
Finally, you might be interested in joining discussions in our Innovation Hub. Here, people affected by dementia share their challenges to tell us what we should be working on, comment on ideas and vote to decide which solutions should be developed further. You can browse the Hub here: https://innovationhub.alzheimers.org.uk
We hope this helps, Lindsey.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
pamela maher
saysI too was in the WRNS.
You could try the Wrens Association for help in perhaps tracing other Wren contacts in your area, who might pop in and chat with her, as I believe that older memories are easier to access for sufferers. They may also have old pictures. there is an excellent magazine as well.
I'm in the Gloucestershire area if I could be of help . (early 60s vintage Wren)
Nicola Wood
saysHello. Am supporting my widowed Mum. Despite buying her a dementia clock, she still struggles to remember what day it is, and is taking multiple doses of her daily meds. Am trying to find a secure dispenser to release one dose a day but most are way too complicated for Mum. Can anyone recommend a model that is easy to use
saysHello Nicola,
We do sell secure medication dispensers in our shop, but unfortunately, they are currently out of stock: https://shop.alzheimers.org.uk/helpful-products/reminders/Medelet-Mark-…
However, you can call our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456 for advice on your mum's situation. More details about the support line (including opening hours) are available here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line
You might also find it useful to join our online community, Talking Point, to talk to other people affected by dementia who may be in the same situation, and could offer advice, information and support: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/dementia-talking-point-our-on…
We hope this is helpful.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
Judy Wahrmund
saysR there any in home or nursing home type services that don’t consider the home property value if the spouse still lives there?
saysHi Judy,
Thanks for your comment.
It's difficult to advise based on the information here, but you can talk with one of our trained dementia advisers by calling our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. They can listen to you and provide information, support and advice on your situation.
You can find more details about the support line (including opening hours) here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line
We hope this helps, Judy.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
saysMum has a diagnosis of mixed Dementia. She has deteriorated over the last 9 months . It's hit and miss but carers are constantly calling us about incidents . she forgets how to use the stair lift and then either gets stuck half way or crawls upstairs only to be found sitting on the floor in the dark hours later. She carries the boiling kettle into the lounge and tries to make tea out of jars of stuff out of cupboards. And she leaves the front door open .etc etc SW has recently reassessed but hasn't increased the care package (daily carers X3 ) ,as she said mum is lucid and refuses to attend day centre or have any other support .and she can't force her . The CPN is involved as mum had hallucinations and us very paranoid , they have prescribed respiridol and she has suggested a period of respite but I'm sure mum will say no ?? Any advice my sister and I are at our wits end .
saysThanks for your comment, Sharon. We are so sorry to hear about your mum’s situation - this must be a really worrying time for you, your sister and your family.
We would strongly recommend speaking with one of our dementia advisers. They will be best placed to provide you and your sister with a plan of action for your mum's support.
You can call our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456 for more information, advice and support. More details about the support line (including opening hours) are available here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line
You and your sister may also benefit from speaking with other people affected by dementia. We have an online community called Talking Point where carers and other people affected by dementia can share their experiences and receive peer support. This could be a great place for you and your sister to receive helpful suggestions from other people who may have been in similar situations: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/dementia-talking-point-our-on…
We hope this is helpful, Sharon.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
Pat Richards
saysLooking for some type of alarm that won’t scare my mum but remind her to go to lunch. Needs to be audible
saysWe have an Amazon Alexa and you can set reminder messages to come on at specific times during the day such as "its time to make your lunch" and we have a board with what to have each day for breakfast, lunch and etc, this used in conjunction with one of the clocks that shows the day of the week, morning/afternoon, the time and date helps Mum to know what to make for lunch.
saysHas anyone found success with helping your loved one sleep at night.
Martin Clark
saysI'm cycling 190 miles in a single day in support of the Alzheimer's Society. Do you have a badge, sticker or similar which I can buy to publicise the cause while I'm doing the event?
saysHi Martin,
Wow! thank you so much for your support and for taking on such an incredible challenge!
We have a few products in our shop which may work for what you're looking for. This page has our range of event gear, including cycling jerseys and shorts with the Alzheimer's Society logo: https://shop.alzheimers.org.uk/branded-products/team-alzheimers-society
Alternative, if you already have your kit, there are badges, wristbands and more available from this page on our shop: https://shop.alzheimers.org.uk/branded-products/branded-merchandise?pag…
Hope this helps, Martin - and thanks again!
Alzheimer's Society blog team
Karen smith
saysHi I look after a lady 92 with dementia she has a gas hob which we supervise her using ,but she is using it when we are not there ,is there anything we can install that can be turned off and on when needed thank you .
saysHi Karen,
It might help to speak with one of our dementia advisers through the Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. They may be able to offer ideas on ways to make a home more dementia-friendly. (More information about the support line, including opening times, can be found here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line)
It may also be beneficial to speak with other people affected by dementia within our online community, Talking Point. Feel free to browse and read others' experiences, or create an account to reply and connect with others. You may find the community has ideas or tips to suggest: https://forum.alzheimers.org.uk/
We hope this helps for now,
Alzheimer's Society blog team
Keith brown
saysHello my mum has dementia and also did the same I ended replacing it with a induction hob my mum can not get to understand its use and disnt bother any more.
If you look under the cooker hob follow the gas pipe there should be a turn off pipe this will make the hob out of action alert the staff about what you have done making it safer for you all
Pat Wilson
saysLively mobile Jitterbug phone
saysHey, if you talk to you local fire department they have a special package that can be used to help with dementia patients living on there own. Eg special locks that can be put on plugs to stop the oven/ microwave being turned on etc
saysthank you for that information , really useful to know
Corrina Stokoe
saysMy mother is keep turning off her plug sockets.which are important to keep on i.e.phone and dementia clock. Can anyone recommend something that we can cover the whole socket. Stickers are not working saying "do not turn off"
saysHi Corrina we had the same problem with my mum, and had lockable boxes installed all her sockets are now in these boxes. However Amazon now do these and look much better I am in the process of ordering a couple myself as the ones I have are very big and a bit ugly which is fine for low level but not so great where they are very visible.
Amazon - SocketLoc UK Electrical Key Lockable Single Plug Socket Protector Cover
Hope this helps
Alice Dennett
saysI experienced the same issue with my mum. In the end we taped over the switch on the socket so it could not be switched off (standard brown parcel tape).We found this worked and also at little cost. Good luck!
saysMy 98 year old mum has onset dementia and is hard of hearing can you recommend a suitable phone that is not complicated by technology
Rosie Galloway-Smith
saysWe got some nhs phones that have large buttons you can preprogramme with 6 numbers and wrote names instead of pictures.
Andrew Baker
saysIs there any way you could produce a badge which shows that the wearer has dementia? This would greatly help when my mother takes my father sometimes for a bus ride or a brief walk in the town shopping centre.
saysHi Andrew,
Thanks for your comment.
We don't produce a badge for this purpose, although we do have a helpcard that can be carried. You can find out more about those and order them here:
There are also some lanyards made by Hidden Disabilities designed for people with dementia going out in the community. Here is some information about those that you may find useful:
Hope this is helpful, Andrew. Please let us know if there's anything else we can help with.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
saysBt offer a BT basic service , where it is capped for some on certain benefits. Does anyone know if this is available for those with Alzheimer’s or if there is any other support packages for vulnerable adults to avoid running up huge bills
Lorna Matthews
saysHello everyone
Here’s a simple game that my Mum still enjoys (7 years with Vascular Dementia). You just need a foam tennis ball or any small ball with bounce and a small sturdy pot. (5 inch across x 4 inch) We use a china flowerpot shape one. Sit opposite each other and place the pot in the middle. Aim of game is to bounce the ball once on your side and see if you can get it into the pot.... using your left hand or the hand that you don’t use to write. We score up to 10 with Mum winning most of the time! We call the game ‘Ball in the Pot’ or the ‘Ballee game! Enjoy! Lorna and Mary.
Fiona Hobbs
saysHi could anyone recommend a really good camera to monitor my mum please
Ann Hearne
saysHi I have been using CleverDog cameras for my mother. They connect to WiFi and are brilliant for checking on her when I am not there.
You can see the whole room through a fisheye lens and you can hear what is going on in the room and speak through the camera if necessary.
Lyn Collett
saysCan anyone recommend a tracker watch to enable Alzheimer’s sufferer to wear to avoid them getting lost so they can be monitored and traced?
Thank you.
saysHello I don’t know if you are still looking or if this helps but we have the Zenly app. If your loved one has a mobile phone you can see where they are. This might be helpful but only if they are happy and able to keep their phone charged and with them. Our school has encouraged use with kids who travel alone and it’s been helpful for our peace of mind and when they’ve got on the wrong bus etc. There are also watches that have gps trackers too.