Dementia information in your language

We have dementia information in languages other than English, to help you get the support you need if you live in the UK.

Whether you’re living with dementia, or concerned about your memory or someone else’s, we have information to help you. Here, you’ll find practical advice and support in different languages.

Get personalised information in your language

For Welsh language support, call 03300 947 400 or email

For languages other than English and Welsh, we can arrange an interpreter. Call us on 0333 150 3456 and say the English word for the language you would like to use. We will then arrange for an interpreter to call back.

If you have speech or hearing difficulties and have a textphone or an adapted computer, you can use Text Relay to call our English-speaking support line on 18001 0300 222 1122.

Translate information on this website into other languages 

You can translate health information on this website using an online translator.

While online translators can translate words and phrases, they may not accurately translate the meaning of the information. If you are making decisions about your health, care or finances, always speak with a professional.

Help us improve our resources 

We welcome your feedback about our information. It helps to improve our resources for everyone. Tell us what you think over the phone (0333 150 3456) or by email (

Email our team Call our team