Alzheimer's Society in Northern Ireland

Find out more about Alzheimer's Society in Northern Ireland and get resources and factsheets specific to NI.

Alzheimer's Society Northern Ireland Office

There are a number of ways you can contact our Northern Ireland office. Get in touch with us by email, phone, post or social media for more information on our local campaigns and services, dementia awareness sessions, and how you can get involved in our work.

Contact us

Postal address

30 Skegoneill Street
BT15 3JL

Call us

Call us on 028 9066 4100 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm).

Email us

Email us at 

Social media

Alzheimer's Society NI Facebook account

Alzheimer's Society NI Twitter/X account

Local Services in Northern Ireland

If you need dementia support, we’re here for you. Through local Dementia Advisers based across the whole of Northern Ireland, we give advice, support and practical guidance for the next steps as people affected navigate the hardest times of their lives.

Information can be provided by phone, email, online or through face-to-face visits. From the moment someone is first worried about memory loss to throughout their experience of living with dementia, we can help.

In addition to dementia support, we provide a range of other services (subject to location), including information programmes, peer support groups and Singing for the Brain

Dementia Support Line

Our Dementia Support Line team offers personalised information, support and advice for anyone affected by dementia. Support is available seven days a week and calls are charged at a local rate. 

For callers who do not have English as their language of choice, we can arrange a simultaneous language translation service

If you have speech or hearing difficulties and have a textphone or an adapted computer, you can use Text Relay to call our English-speaking dementia support line on 18001 0300 222 1122.

Support line opening hours:

Monday to Wednesday: 9am – 8pm
Thursday and Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10am – 4pm.

Free Dementia Awareness Sessions

We can support communities, groups, and organisations to improve their understanding of dementia through the provision of free dementia awareness sessions.

Our dementia awareness sessions cover key themes around dementia but can be tailored to meet the needs of any group.

From schools to community groups, from youth groups to businesses, we want more people to know about dementia and support available. 

Factsheets and information

Our relevant and up-to-date factsheets cover a range of topics relating to dementia. They are free to download online or request by post, and are also available through your local Dementia Adviser. For more information or to download or order, please visit our publications section.

Share your experience

We offer opportunities for people with a diagnosis of dementia and their family/carers to share and use their personal experiences to help shape our work at Alzheimer's Society, as well as the work of other organisations.

Opportunities include local and national Involvement Groups (in person or online), the Survey Involvement Group, as well as opportunities to share your story and experience in local or national media, social media or other publications.

Take part in research

Alzheimer's Society has invested £94 million in dementia research and funded a variety of projects and initiatives across the UK to help improve care, understand causes and work towards a cure, including research in Queen’s University Belfast and University of Ulster. For more information on our research grants and current projects, visit our research section.

We also need people like you to take part in dementia research to make a difference. Find out more about how to take part in research online or call 0333 150 3456 to register your interest.

Campaign with us

By joining our campaigns, you can help us challenge and change the issues faced by people affected by dementia. Dementia is the biggest health and social care challenge of our time, and that challenge is growing as our society ages.

Campaigning with us means helping to influence the people who make decisions in Northern Ireland and across the UK, including local MLAs and MPs.

We want people living with dementia to get the care they deserve, when they need it. The more people who join our campaigns, the more likely it is that the Government will listen. Whether you have dementia yourself, you have a personal connection to dementia, or you want to stand with those who do, we need your help.

Fundraise with us

At Alzheimer’s Society, we provide both help for those currently living with dementia and hope for those who may be affected in the future. Your donations will allow us to continue to provide vital services and support to people affected by dementia.

Whether it’s nominating us as your Charity of the Year, holding a pub quiz or a coffee morning the world of fundraising is open to you! These are just a few ideas – your local community fundraiser will have many more. Get in touch to hear how you can make the most of your fundraising to build a brighter future for those living with dementia. 

Volunteer with us

There are lots of great ways to support Alzheimer's Society, but our volunteers make a special difference for people affected by dementia. Alongside some area-specific roles, we currently have opportunities for the following roles throughout Northern Ireland:

  • Awareness raising volunteers: helping at information stands and events to provide information and support to people affected by dementia
  • Fundraising volunteers: supporting with fundraising activities and events with Alzheimer’s Society.

We provide induction, ongoing training and support for our volunteers as we seek to support people affected by dementia.

Leave a gift in your Will

With a gift in your Will, you can help make sure people living with dementia are not forgotten. Gifts in Wills fund a third of our life-changing research and vital support services.

Alzheimer’s Society can help you write or update your Will for free, either through a local solicitor from our Northern Ireland network, or online with our Will writing partner, Farewill. To find out more, please email