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Mum has a diagnosis of mixed Dementia. She has deteriorated over the last 9 months . It's hit and miss but carers are constantly calling us about incidents . she forgets how to use the stair lift and then either gets stuck half way or crawls upstairs only to be found sitting on the floor in the dark hours later. She carries the boiling kettle into the lounge and tries to make tea out of jars of stuff out of cupboards. And she leaves the front door open .etc etc SW has recently reassessed but hasn't increased the care package (daily carers X3 ) ,as she said mum is lucid and refuses to attend day centre or have any other support .and she can't force her . The CPN is involved as mum had hallucinations and us very paranoid , they have prescribed respiridol and she has suggested a period of respite but I'm sure mum will say no ?? Any advice my sister and I are at our wits end .

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