Manage your grant
If you’re a researcher funded by Alzheimer’s Society, we have information about our policies and other matters relating to management of your grant.
Grant admin
Grant finances
Alzheimer’s Society funded research should submit claims for the reimbursement of research costs every six months in arrears from the grant start date.
Claims should be submitted by email to the Grant Invoices team at referencing grant number, project title and PI name.
Final invoices must be submitted no later than six months from the grant end date.
Progress reporting
Alzheimer's Society requires annual progress reports. Reports are completed on standard templates. You will be emailed when a report is required from you, with a progress report template attached. We require you to submit your final report within three months of the grant finishing.
It is important that you inform us when your grant will commence (there is an activation of grant certificate on the final page of the contract that must be returned to us before the grant starts), and if there are any delays so that we can make an accurate reporting schedule.
Please also keep us informed of other delays to your project, i.e. parental leave, staff changes etc so the schedule can be updated.
Monitoring our research
A unique aspect of Alzheimer's Society research grants is the role played by our Research Network volunteers who all have a personal experience of dementia.
Read our full guidance for researchers working with our Research Network through our monitoring programme.
Conference and publication requirements
All researchers are expected to acknowledge Alzheimer's Society as a funder on all posters and presentations.
Publication in scientific peer reviewed journals is an important output from grants awarded. We expect Alzheimer's Society to be acknowledged as the funder on all research publications.
In the case of a project grant this should be worded:
“This work was funded by grant number XXX from Alzheimer’s Society, UK”.
In the case of personal support it should read:
“[name of researcher] was supported by a (insert type) Fellowship/PhD studentship award from Alzheimer’s Society, UK (grant number XXX)”.
Some donors may also request that they are acknowledged as supporting the research.
High resolution logos must be used and can be obtained by contacting the grants team at Alzheimer's Society.
Let our grants team know when you submit a new scientific publication, manuscript, poster or journal paper so that we can help promote your research.
If you have a query regarding communication support, or to request a copy of our logo, please send an email to our Grant Enquiries team to
Open access
Please see our open access policy.
Leave and no-cost extension requests
No-cost extension requests
In this regard, no-cost means that no further cost will be incurred by Alzheimer's Society, and you are requesting additional time to spend the originally awarded research budget or a reallocation of funding within the original award.
No-cost extension requests should be made at least 6-months before your grant is due to end and submitted with an up-to-date progress report.
To request a no-cost extension for your Alzheimer's Society grant, please complete the request for a no-cost extension form.
Abeyance/ maternity/ paternity leave requests
Please complete the following form if you wish to put your Alzheimer's Society grant in abeyance. You may request that your grant be paused for reasons such as maternity leave or staff changes with a request for abeyance form.
PhD maternity, paternity, shared parental and adoption leave funding
Currently not all research institutions pay PhD students maternity, paternity, adoption or shared parental leave as they are not always classed as employees.
Alzheimer’s Society funded PhD students and fellows are entitled to up to 26 weeks of maternity leave on full stipend and a further 26 weeks of unpaid maternity leave. Partners are entitled to up to 10 days paid Ordinary Paternity Leave on full stipend. Partners may be entitled to up to 50 weeks of Shared Parental Leave; this could include paid and unpaid leave, depending on the individual circumstances, any paid leave should be at full stipend.
If these costs are not fully met by the host institution, then the Society will pay the difference to ensure that the students and fellows receive the level of funding outlined above. Please refer to the Research Council guidance for further details. As individual circumstances will vary, eligible students should contact the Society directly to discuss this policy. The final funding arrangements will be agreed between the student, the Society and the host institution.
PhD sick leave funding
If not covered by the host institution then Alzheimer’s Society will pay sick leave for PhD students of up to four months at full stipend and then four months at half stipend per annum.
Communications support
We can support you with dissemination to help you reach a wider audience with your research findings including people affected by dementia.
We have a number of ways to help you spread the word about the findings of your research to people living with dementia and their families and carers.
We could write an article about your research in one of our newsletters or promote your research through our website and social media channels.
Media coverage
If you have exciting results or a paper in the pipeline, please let us know as early as possible before publication. We have a press office that can help you to promote your research findings in the local or national media.
For communication support, please send an email to our Research Enquiries team at
Contact our grants team
If you have any queries about your grant or grant related processes, please contact our grants team at
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