What happens after a deprivation of liberty is authorised?

After a deprivation of liberty has been authorised there are still important safeguards to make sure they are protected, including appointing a representative. The authorisation should have an end date and it can be reviewed at any time.

If a deprivation of liberty has been allowed by the local authority or local health board, this is called ‘authorisation’. The person with dementia is said to be ‘under DoLS’.

Even after authorisation, there are still important safeguards to make sure that they are protected.

What does the ‘relevant person’s representative’ mean?

If a person’s care is approved following a DoLS assessment, they must have a representative appointed. This person is known as the ‘relevant person’s representative’.

The local authority or health board will usually talk to and mention this representative (often a family member, friend or other carer) during the best interests assessment.

Who appoints the representative?

The local authority or health board must choose a paid representative if the person with dementia doesn’t have an available or suitable relative or friend able to take on this role. This paid representative will be trained and experienced and will act for the person. They might work for a local advocacy organisation.

What does the representative do?

A representative’s role is to stay in contact with the person with dementia.

They should check if the person’s care arrangements change, be given access to documents about decisions, and ask for a review of an assessment decision, if necessary.

The representative can also appeal against the DoLS authorisation, and should do so where the person under DoLS disagrees with it, even if they themselves do not.

Example of a person appealing against a DoLS authorisation:

How should the representative be supported?

The representative should be kept informed about the person’s care and treatment and any changes to it.

The local authority or local health board should work together with the care home or hospital to make sure that both the person and their representative understand the DoLS process and know their rights.

If a representative needs support, they can ask to talk to an independent mental capacity advocate (IMCA). The local authority can signpost the representative to the local IMCA service.

Care home visiting during the pandemic

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, it may not be easy or even possible to visit someone in a care home or hospital.

The person’s representative should speak to the care home or hospital staff. The representative carries out an important safeguard for the person with dementia, and this should be allowed to continue.

The care home or hospital should enable video or telephone calls if the representative is not allowed to visit.

How long is the DoLS authorisation allowed for?

A DoLS authorisation should be for as short a time as possible, and only up to a maximum of 12 months. Each DoLS authorisation will mention its end date. However, during this time both the care provider and local authority (or health board) should:

  • make regular checks to see if the authorisation is still needed
  • remove the authorisation when it is no longer needed
  • provide the person’s representative with information about their care and treatment.

What does a review of DoLS authorisation involve?

A review of a deprivation of liberty authorisation is a formal process to decide whether the care that deprives someone of their liberty is still needed. This can take place at any time and doesn’t have to be at the end of the authorised period.

It is up to the care home or hospital to make regular checks to see if the authorisation is still needed, and they must let the local authority or local health board know if circumstances change.

This means that a review should take place if there is a change in circumstances, and also if it is felt that the criteria are no longer met. If the deprivation is no longer in someone’s best interests, or if it is not managed in the least restrictive way, then this should be looked at again in a review.

The person under the authorisation, their representative or IMCA, can request a review if the situation has changed. The local authority or local health board is responsible for carrying out the review and must make sure that everyone is kept up to date and involved during the review.

Read an example of someone asking for a review:

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