Local dementia statistics

Get local dementia statistics by exploring Integrated Care System (ICS) data using our interactive map.

Understanding the scale of dementia within an area is paramount for providing high quality local services that serve the whole community.

There are currently estimated to be 982,000 people living with dementia in the UK and this is projected to rise to 1.4 million in 2040. The scale and the need to prevent, diagnose, support, live and die well with dementia will only become greater.

What is a dementia pathway?

A dementia pathway is a way of describing the journey a person is on from when they start experiencing symptoms of dementia. We describe the key points of this journey as: 

  • Diagnosing Well – the experience before and directly after receiving a dementia diagnosis.
  • Supporting Well – how the person with a diagnosis and their friends/family are supported.
  • Living Well – the support provided by local health and social care organisations. 
  • Dying Well – the support provided towards the end of life.

These key areas are reflected in the way the local data has been divided on the map above. 

Why are ICSs important?

Integrated Care Systems (ICS) have a key role to play in ensuring that high quality care and support is provided to all people affected by dementia.

Since July 2022, there are 42 ICS across England. Their aim is to bring together health and social care organisations to make joint decisions on how best to allocate resources, and how those resources will support people affected by dementia.


For more information about dementia and your integrated care systems, please contact the Local Systems Influencing team by emailing local@alzheimers.org.uk

Further information and resources