National Influencing

Our National Influencing Team works with elected representatives in Westminster, the Senedd, the Northern Ireland Assembly, and our campaigner network to achieve meaningful change for people living with dementia. 

Party Conference with Helen Whately MP

Our National Influencing Team works with elected representatives in Westminster, the Senedd, the Northern Ireland Assembly, and our campaigner network to achieve meaningful change for people living with dementia. 

We build relationships with elected representatives to raise the profile of dementia and ensure they are committed to making dementia a priority. 

 Our work in Westminster

We work with Members of Parliament and members of the House of Lords to make sure decision-makers act to improve the lives of people living with dementia. Recently, we have:

  • Met with more than 150 MPs at last year’s party conferences to make sure they know that dementia is the UK’s leading cause of death.
  • Welcomed more than 120 MPs to our Dementia Action Week event to learn about how where you live affects how likely you are to get a dementia diagnosis.
  • Worked with other dementia charities to secure dementia diagnosis data from NHS England with a breakdown by sub-type. 
  • Worked with the Department for Health and Social Care to make sure that the experiences of people with dementia were heard in the development of the Major Conditions Strategy.

Our work in Senedd Cymru

In Wales, we work with Members of the Senedd and the Welsh Government to tackle some of the specific issues facing people with dementia in Wales. Recently, we have:

  • Secured a commitment from the Welsh Government to start publishing dementia diagnosis data after an open letter signed by more than a quarter of Welsh parliamentarians.
  • We worked with both candidates in the Welsh Labour leadership election to raise dementia directly in the campaign, and sent an open letter to the new First Minister with hundreds of our campaigners.
  • Worked with the Welsh Government to develop the successor to the Dementia Action Plan for Wales.

Our work in the Northern Ireland Assembly

In Northern Ireland, we work with the Northern Ireland Executive and Members of the Assembly. Recently, we have:

  • Met with the new Minister of Health, Robin Swann MLA, to discuss how to implement the Regional Dementia Care Pathway.
  • Secured a commitment from the Department of Health to start publishing dementia diagnosis data by subtype.
  • Met with the First Minister-designate at the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis to impress on her the need for dementia to be a priority for Northern Ireland.

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