For dementia professionals

We provide a range of information services, resources and specialist training for health and social care professionals working with people who have dementia.

A woman health and social care worker sitting at a table with a man with dementia

Refer someone in your care to Alzheimer's Society support services

We will contact them to discuss their needs and how we can help them.

Working with us

We work with many organisations to help improve the lives of people living with dementia.  By working together we can make a difference.

Dementia training and events

Our range of training, conferences and events give you an opportunity to learn more about dementia and raise awareness of the condition in your organisation.

Campaign with us

Join our campaigns and help us challenge and change the issues faced by people affected by dementia.

Become a campaigner
Two women chatting at a support session

Publications and factsheets

We produce a wide range of publications and factsheets designed to support and inform anyone affected by dementia.