Share your diagnosis story

We want to show decision-makers across the UK the realities of seeking a dementia diagnosis. 

Share yours or a loved one's diagnosis story today and we'll add it to our story wall.

Let's make dementia a priority.

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I was slightly confused and of course when u have Dementure U r disbelieved in most things u say so it becomes difficult to express yourself or when u do people just ...
My husband, Bill, was only 53 when...
My lovely mum passed away in January 2011 from dementia, it was a dreadful time to see her go downhill over the years from being a capable lady and being to do most thi...
My father was diagnosed with Alzhe...
Everyone said “Oh you can live for...
Dementia Action Week supporter
We went through a 2 year period fr...
Dementia Action Week supporter
Well which story? My mother, mothe...
Dementia Action Week supporter
God bless those that care and help...
Dementia Action Week supporter
My husband John visited our GP for...
My 87 year old Grandma is living with Dementia in a care home due to a fall she had in the home due to lack of support for my Grandad the primary carer. Despite having ...
My mum, Olwyn, was diagnosed with ...
Getting an Alzheimer's diagnoses f...

Share your diagnosis story

Share your diagnosis experiences with us, so we can show decision makers the realities and issues people are facing.

Share your story now