Share your diagnosis story

We want to show decision-makers across the UK the realities of seeking a dementia diagnosis. 

Share yours or a loved one's diagnosis story today and we'll add it to our story wall.

Let's make dementia a priority.

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I was a nurse before I retired and then became a non executive director at the local hospice so I did have some dementia training and experience but I was no expert. M...
My mother was diagnosed in 2019 after several months of try to get help, family members were keen to help at first but when they realised why was involved they dropped ...
We were fortunate in our GP referred us to the local memory clinic as soon as she had completed her tests. The assessment was quite difficult for my husband because he...
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My mum suffered Parkinsons dementi...
yes my huband was diagnosed in feb. 2021. Doc wanted to do over the phone because of covid. I refused. next day they telephoned to say a psychiatrist would visit us at ...
My beloved mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at the age of 65. We looked after her at home until it got difficult when we had to move he to a nursing home where she di...
My partner of 14 years, Kevin was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s dementia in March 2014 at the age of 58. I was working full time and paying a mortgage. The p...
Steve my partner was misdiagnosed in 2018 as having mild cognitive behaviour by the memory clinic , he lost two years of treatment he could have had. We were told there...
My grandma has it and has had no support,she was a big picture in my life and and so I don't want her to forget all those good time,I would like to end Dementia for goo...
Hi my husband has dementia,most of the time I can cope but sometimes I kneed some one to talk or text to that understand what I’m talking about ...
My wife Sarah, 58 started having memory issues mid year 2023, that i noticed, her memory started playing tricks on her, she believed Google was a person and was talking...
My Dad got his formal diagnosis in...

Share your diagnosis story

Share your diagnosis experiences with us, so we can show decision makers the realities and issues people are facing.

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