Is it typical for people with dementia to sleep a lot during the day?
People with dementia, especially those in the later stages, can often spend a lot of time sleeping. This can sometimes be worrying for carers, friends and family. Find out why a person with dementia might sleep more than an average person of their age.
It is quite common for a person with dementia, especially in the later stages, to spend a lot of their time sleeping – both during the day and night. This can sometimes be distressing for the person’s family and friends, as they may worry that something is wrong.
Sleeping more and more is a common feature of later-stage dementia. As the disease progresses, the damage to a person’s brain becomes more extensive and they gradually become weaker and frailer over time.
As a result, a person with dementia may find it quite exhausting to do relatively simple tasks like communicating, eating or trying to understand what is going on around them. This can make the person sleep more during the day as their symptoms become more severe.
Some medications may contribute to sleepiness. These include some antipsychotics, antidepressants, antihistamines and of course sleeping pills.
Sleeping disorders unrelated to dementia, such as having breathing that occasionally stops during sleep (known as ‘apnoea’), can also contribute to sleeping for longer.
What should I do if a person with dementia is sleeping a lot?
If the person is in the later stages of dementia and they have gradually started sleeping more and more, it is likely to be due to the dementia progressing.
However, if the excessive sleeping has started more suddenly, or the person doesn’t seem well in other ways, it may have another cause.
If this is the case you should speak to the GP, to rule out any infections or conditions that could be affecting the person's sleep. It may also be worth asking for a medication review with the GP or speaking to a pharmacist as medication can cause a range of side effects.
Providing the person doesn’t appear to be uncomfortable or distressed, then sleeping more during the day isn’t normally a reason to be worried.
However, if a person is lying down in bed and asleep for most of the time they will need to be looked after to make sure they don’t develop any physical health problems. This sort of care is normally done by a health or social care professional in a care home or hospice. If the person is still living at home though, then it’s important to get advice from your GP or nurse on how best to do this.
Why does dementia affect sleep?
Problems with sleep are very common for people with dementia. They can include:
- sleeping during the day and being awake and restless during the night
- becoming disorientated in the dark if they wake up to use the toilet
- waking up more often and staying awake longer during the night
- getting up in the early hours and thinking it’s day time or time to go to work (disorientation in time)
- not being able to tell the difference between night and day.
Nobody completely understands why dementia affects sleeping patterns. For some people, it may be that their internal ‘biological clock’, which judges what time it is, becomes damaged so the person starts to feel sleepy at the wrong time of day.
There are also other parts of the brain which control whether or not we stay awake, and these may also not work properly if they become damaged.
Sometimes a person with dementia might completely reverse their normal sleep pattern, staying up all night and then sleeping all day.

It's common for people with dementia, especially in the later stages, to spend a lot of their time sleeping
Does quality of sleep matter for people with dementia?
The quality of a person's sleep gradually deteriorates as they get older. They tend to get less deep or ‘slow-wave’ sleep, which helps to keep the brain healthy and refreshed.
Even though a person with dementia may end up sleeping more than a typical person of their age – even as much as 14–15 hours a day – it is unlikely to all be good quality sleep.
Sleeping a lot can also be influenced by people’s sleeping patterns before they had dementia, as some people need more sleep than others.
Sleep for people who have dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease
The type of dementia you have can affect your sleep.
People who have dementia caused by Lewy body disease, such as Parkinsons’ disease (PD) or dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) are often sleepy by day but have very restless and disturbed nights. They can suffer from confusion, nightmares and hallucinations. Insomnia, sleep apnoea (breathing difficulties) and restless legs are common symptoms.
A person affected with these types of dementia may often unknowingly ‘act’ out their dreams by shouting and moving around in bed.
They can even cause injury to themselves and/or their sleeping partner. This is called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder or RBD, and tends to happen from the earliest stages of the disease onwards.
This can be exhausting and often leaves the person feeling like they haven’t slept at all, so they are very tired and sleepy during the day.
It can be hard to stay awake during the day after a poor night’s sleep but, if possible, it’s best to try to limit sleep during the day to small bursts or ‘catnaps’. Otherwise the person’s body clock can become very confused and this makes sleeping well during the night even harder.
Read more about sleep and dementia
Learn more about how dementia can affect sleeping patterns, as well as our tips for healthy sleep.
This article was first published in 2019. It was most recently updated on 6 December 2024.
saysShirley Bulley
saysJohn Haddow
saysLinda Shimizu
saysHi Linda,
I'm very sorry to hear about your husband.
If you'd like to talk to someone, please call our support line on 0333 150 3456 to speak with one of our trained dementia advisers.
More information about the support line (including opening hours) can be found here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line
I hope this helps.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
Fred pauli
saysHi Fred,
We're very sorry to hear this. If you need to talk to someone, or would like some support, please call our support line on 0333 150 3456 to speak with one of our trained dementia advisers. More information about the support line (including opening hours) can be found here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line
We hope this helps.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
saysJosie N.
saysMeghna Roy
saysJosh Woodburn
saysMy wife was diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia almost 3 years ago, she is now 52 years old, she has recently increased her sleep time, she sleeps 14 hours a day, and when she wakes up she tells me she feels tired. According to the article, does that mean she is in the advanced stage of dementia?
saysHello Peter and thanks for getting in touch.
If you are based in the UK, we recommend speaking with one of our dementia advisers to discuss your wife's situation. They can answer your questions about dementia, and provide you with advice and support.
Please call our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. (More information on opening times: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line)
If you're based in the US, please contact the Alzheimer's Association helpline: https://alz.org/help-support/resources/helpline
Or if you're based in Canada, please contact the Alzheimer's Society of Canada helpline: https://alzheimer.ca/en/Home/ContactUs
In the meantime, we have information on our website that you may find useful around the progression (or stages) of dementia: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/symptoms-and-diagnosis/how-dementia-progresses/progression-stages-dementia
And information specific to frontotemporal dementia, including further details about symptoms in the later stages of FTD: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/types-dementia/frontotemporal-dementia
We hope this is helpful.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
saysI have been caring for an 86 elderly man with dementia for almost 2 years now..I have noticed just recently all he wants to do is sleep. When I wake him up he just tells me he wants to sleep longer...with that being said do I let him sleep or wake him up for daily routines
Toni Kidnie
saysI got no help from anyone at Alzheimer’s organization as I needed Respite care for my husband while I recover from hip surgery
We can not afford $141.00 a day
So support group just to talk but never help the person it’s still a terminal illness you get more help if you had cancer
Pat Nelson
saysMy husband has parkinson dementia. He has it a long while. He had a heart attack when he was 59. He hasn't been the same since. His Dementia was pretty bad with Hallucinations but got a new tablet and isn't as bad. His parkinson has started to take hold. He has the stoop. Dragging his feet. Heavy legs.. We have very little conversation. He had really low blood pressure and couldnt get anything for his Parkinson. Lately his blood pressure has went up enough to get Madopar. Only started it about 4 weeks. He was sleeping a lot before.. Still is. Can't watch certain things on television.. Can be not to bad at times.
saysHi Pat, thanks for getting in touch.
If you ever need someone to talk to, please know that our Dementia Advisers are here for you through our support line on 0333 150 3456. (Opening hours and further details at https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line)
You might also benefit from joining our online community, Talking Point. Here, carers and other people affected by dementia share their experiences, and offer advice and support to others going through similar situations. You can browse the conversations within the community or sign up for free: https://forum.alzheimers.org.uk
We hope this helps for now, Pat. Please do call the support line on 0333 150 3456 if you need us.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
Deborah King
saysReading all the comments was an eye-opener and ver helpful. My husband was diagnosed with moderate stage of Vascular Dementia recently by the VA (Veterans Administration). Many of the symptoms in the comments are similar. But we are blessed to have the support of the VA and family.
Nissy Senee
saysMy mother is 62 years old, she was diagnosed with dementia two years ago. She sleep a lot day and night, and when she is up she will go to the bathroom to use the toilet she will leave her diaper on the bathroom floors and after that when she will wash her hands, and every time she eat her food she will leave her dishes around the house and not put them back in the kitchen and put trash any where in the house.
Susan Jones
saysThis behaviour is quite normal as your mom will gradually forget what to do next.
Please learn as much about her condition as you can otherwise you will think she’s just being awkward or pretending.
It’s a very difficult disease for family members, to be prepared for the years ahead you will need lots of patience and compassion.
All the best
saysMy husband, now aged 69, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s six years ago, although with hindsight he was probably suffering with it for at least four years before.
For the last two years he has not really spoken. He can just about say say yes and no. His comprehension is very limited too and relies on me for everything really. He remembers all the family members but forgotten lots of other people and how to do many things and when to change his clothes.
Over the last few months he has shown signs of weariness and suddenly gets waves of tiredness and has to sleep. He may sleep soundly for ten minutes or up to an hour.
He goes to bed about half nine and will go straight to sleep and be awake six ish.
I just wondered what stage we are at. Because his symptoms seem to cross all the stages …and are we doing the correct thing in letting him sleep during he day. It used to be maybe one nap but now it is up to three a day.
We do go out for walks and visit family and see friends for lunch. My days can be very quiet….as we have no conversations now. We speak with yes or no questions.
Bill E Brown
saysEveryone is different, I was diagnosed with dementia years ago around 40yrs of age.
I am now 85 years blessed old , with a great life. (Pardon the combinations gramma) thanks, Many successful careers AirForce Government private industry etc.
I’ve had a few illnesses due to falling and injuring my head. Recovered and now improving my walking due to prior difficult back surgery… also thigh muscle tear during Major College SWC football official yrs.
My goal success has been related to viewing each difficulty as a challenge. After college was cut by Dallas Cowboys (1960) and the awesome career started.
My purpose in responding…..never expect same thing due to similar circumstances.
l drive to church, sing with my choir (large) and have been married 60+ years to same
Fabulous wife.
Most of my typos result from large fingers and probably aging process (smiles)
Again remember my purpose and understand I’m not perfect but hope this helps in analyzing the subject under study.
saysYou sound like what I have with my husband. He is 73 and was a a very smart man but seems these days he just answers yes / no. Conversation is gone and he seems to sleep all the time. He wants to go to bed right after a meal. He can no longer use his computer,iPad or cell phone. He seems to have a good appetite. But he isn’t able to choose what food he wants to eat. I just put it on the plate. Long days for me unless we have company. He still recognizes family and friends . Sad disease.
saysSounds exactly the same…shame we don’t live near each other!
saysMy mother 98 has dementia she is very depressed myself sister care for her. She won't accept that her flat where she lives is hers and keeps asking to be taken home the memory clinic ask to do telephone appointments with her which I won't accept and say either they visit or I take her to clinic but they cancelled appointments at last minute. She gets verily aggressive at times normally we trace this to a water infection. She has trouble walking supposed to use zimma to walk but doesn't think it's hers if we go out have to take her in wheel chair. With in minutes of coming back from shopping trip can't remember going has excellent appetite but still wastes lot of food. I go in the morning to check she is up get her breakfast clean up then my sister goes sits with her from 1230 to 6.00then I return 7 till she goes to bed at 10.00 in between she's constantly on phone wanting company. With very little help we are at breaking point.
saysHi Denis,
Sorry to hear about your mother, it sounds like a stressful time for you all.
Please call our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. One of our dementia advisers can learn more about your situation and give tailored information, advice and support. You can find more details (including opening hours) here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line
We hope this helps,
Alzheimer's Society web team
saysMy granny is 97 and has Dementia. On set 4 yrs ago after my dad her only son passed. I take care of her at home 24/7. She is starting to sleep more during the day and I know this part of the process. Sometimes she goes days and nights with NO SLEEP AT ALL. When she does sleep all day my question is do I wake her or let her sleep. She can be like a grumpy child at times.