Is it typical for people with dementia to sleep a lot during the day?
People with dementia, especially those in the later stages, can often spend a lot of time sleeping. This can sometimes be worrying for carers, friends and family. Find out why a person with dementia might sleep more than an average person of their age.
It is quite common for a person with dementia, especially in the later stages, to spend a lot of their time sleeping – both during the day and night. This can sometimes be distressing for the person’s family and friends, as they may worry that something is wrong.
Sleeping more and more is a common feature of later-stage dementia. As the disease progresses, the damage to a person’s brain becomes more extensive and they gradually become weaker and frailer over time.
As a result, a person with dementia may find it quite exhausting to do relatively simple tasks like communicating, eating or trying to understand what is going on around them. This can make the person sleep more during the day as their symptoms become more severe.
Some medications may contribute to sleepiness. These include some antipsychotics, antidepressants, antihistamines and of course sleeping pills.
Sleeping disorders unrelated to dementia, such as having breathing that occasionally stops during sleep (known as ‘apnoea’), can also contribute to sleeping for longer.
What should I do if a person with dementia is sleeping a lot?
If the person is in the later stages of dementia and they have gradually started sleeping more and more, it is likely to be due to the dementia progressing.
However, if the excessive sleeping has started more suddenly, or the person doesn’t seem well in other ways, it may have another cause.
If this is the case you should speak to the GP, to rule out any infections or conditions that could be affecting the person's sleep. It may also be worth asking for a medication review with the GP or speaking to a pharmacist as medication can cause a range of side effects.
Providing the person doesn’t appear to be uncomfortable or distressed, then sleeping more during the day isn’t normally a reason to be worried.
However, if a person is lying down in bed and asleep for most of the time they will need to be looked after to make sure they don’t develop any physical health problems. This sort of care is normally done by a health or social care professional in a care home or hospice. If the person is still living at home though, then it’s important to get advice from your GP or nurse on how best to do this.
Why does dementia affect sleep?
Problems with sleep are very common for people with dementia. They can include:
- sleeping during the day and being awake and restless during the night
- becoming disorientated in the dark if they wake up to use the toilet
- waking up more often and staying awake longer during the night
- getting up in the early hours and thinking it’s day time or time to go to work (disorientation in time)
- not being able to tell the difference between night and day.
Nobody completely understands why dementia affects sleeping patterns. For some people, it may be that their internal ‘biological clock’, which judges what time it is, becomes damaged so the person starts to feel sleepy at the wrong time of day.
There are also other parts of the brain which control whether or not we stay awake, and these may also not work properly if they become damaged.
Sometimes a person with dementia might completely reverse their normal sleep pattern, staying up all night and then sleeping all day.

It's common for people with dementia, especially in the later stages, to spend a lot of their time sleeping
Does quality of sleep matter for people with dementia?
The quality of a person's sleep gradually deteriorates as they get older. They tend to get less deep or ‘slow-wave’ sleep, which helps to keep the brain healthy and refreshed.
Even though a person with dementia may end up sleeping more than a typical person of their age – even as much as 14–15 hours a day – it is unlikely to all be good quality sleep.
Sleeping a lot can also be influenced by people’s sleeping patterns before they had dementia, as some people need more sleep than others.
Sleep for people who have dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease
The type of dementia you have can affect your sleep.
People who have dementia caused by Lewy body disease, such as Parkinsons’ disease (PD) or dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) are often sleepy by day but have very restless and disturbed nights. They can suffer from confusion, nightmares and hallucinations. Insomnia, sleep apnoea (breathing difficulties) and restless legs are common symptoms.
A person affected with these types of dementia may often unknowingly ‘act’ out their dreams by shouting and moving around in bed.
They can even cause injury to themselves and/or their sleeping partner. This is called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder or RBD, and tends to happen from the earliest stages of the disease onwards.
This can be exhausting and often leaves the person feeling like they haven’t slept at all, so they are very tired and sleepy during the day.
It can be hard to stay awake during the day after a poor night’s sleep but, if possible, it’s best to try to limit sleep during the day to small bursts or ‘catnaps’. Otherwise the person’s body clock can become very confused and this makes sleeping well during the night even harder.
Read more about sleep and dementia
Learn more about how dementia can affect sleeping patterns, as well as our tips for healthy sleep.
This article was first published in 2019. It was most recently updated on 6 December 2024.
Janey Stott
saysThese comments have helped me tremendously in my care for my 92 year old husband. He sleeps most of the time now but even when he is awake he prefers to stay in bed because he is more comfortable. Nursing homes seem to get their patients up, dress and clean them, give them breakfast and then they are propped up at a table and consequently sleep with their head down on the table. That cannot be comfortable for them and your contributors have cheered me up so that I do not feel that my care is incorrect now, for my husband. He is comfortable and happy too, when he is awake, and I feel better about it all now. Many thanks everybody.
Martin Corrick
saysI have had Alzheimer's for more than 3 years, and I. certainly need more sleep, but not only at night. Even half an hour helps a lot before a meeting, serious shopping or whatever.
Janet fishwick
saysMy 91 year old mother has stage 4 Alzheimer's, lives on her own and spends her days readind newspapers and wandering aimlessly round her bungalow. If she is found sleeping by my sister-who visits her daily-mother is horrified and in denial. She thinks that sleeping is done only at night and never at any other time. She is extremely, ridiculously stubborn and difficult to communicate with. Sleeping during the day, to her, is embarrassing and shameful.
alexandra czaruk
saysGloria York
saysThank you so much for this article. My husband has Parkinson’s. You have let me know, it’s the disease not the care I’m giving him. He sleeps 15-20 hours in a 24 hour period. He’s always so tired and weak. I’ve just been trying everything to get him to stay awake and be active. I will now allow him to do what he can when he can and let him sleep when he needs it.
saysMy mother in law lives with us. She sleeps about 23 hours a day. Never speaks. Has a very hard time eating but hasn’t been like this for a year. I read that this can go on for 5-10 more years! Crazy but so thankful we have more time than I expected!
saysMy Mum was in a care home and not getting the correct care even basic hygiene was being left daily. she was sleeping for 4 days in a chair no one told me? I demanded the doctor was called and he came when I wasn't there told the nurses he'd come back in a few days see how she is?? he knew she was poorly and did nothing about it. I moved mum to a private home after she came out of hospital with a bad urine infection, she loved her room and slept in her bed all night . something she never did in the last home. Sadly within 2 weeks she started sleeping again and barely woke when I visited everyday. the home called the doctor, another infection but her body was closing down and she got sepsis and passed away within 24hrs with me by her side. she wasn't in pain but it seems the care homes don't take immediate action when it comes to infections. I miss her so much at least she is in a better place for her and can sleep peacefully now bless her.
Sue Clayton
saysDear Christine
I am so sorry for the loss of your Mum - I can tell she meant so much to you. My Mum had dementia and passed away after contracting C diff in hospital. Your Mum will have remembered how much you cared for her and have been grateful to you for the happiness the new home gave her. I found comfort in thinking about Mum everyday - about all the amazing and beautiful aspects of her life and character. Keep hold of all that's good and spread the understanding you gained from looking after your lovely Mum. Love from Sue x
saysThanks for shedding more light on this. My mum's sleeping pattern has changed and I was getting worried. I'm now reassured that we're not doing anything wrong. Thankyou very much
saysMy husband has been waking up in the morning late, then going in the living room and sleeps 90 % of the day in his chair. He has vascular dementia and the doctor told me this is normal for him. I know we are progressing, but I am blessed he still knows us. Him sleeping gives me peace that he is not suffering. Thank you for confirming his sleeping almost 20 hours a day as normal.
Patricia Runnion
saysOh, what a relief, to read these postings regarding how much a person with dementia sleeps. My husband who has vascular dementia spends most of the day sleeping. When I told his GP, he had him have blood work done. It was normal.
Then I took him to the Psychiatrist to see if his meds were making him so sleepy. He checked his blood levels of the ones that would make a person so sleepy, they were ok. However ,we are now weaning him off his antidepressant to see if that helps. So far , no change. I too, was ridden with guilt about letting him sleep so much. I wanted to get him up & moving. The old “move it or loose it”. So if this sleeping so much is later stage dementia, what’s next ? Will he soon become incontinent ,not be able to feed himself or walk ?
I know everyone’s disease state is different but does anybody know what is the average length of later stage dementia , a year or less ? How soon will he need Nursing Home or Hospice care ? I am taking care of him myself and don’t want to put him someplace because he still knows me, & relies on me.
saysPatricia, I'm Doris and I too am feeling guilty about letting my mom go to bed at 5:30-6:00 in the evening and sleeping till 8:30-9:30 the next morning. I try daycare twice a week and a bingo group once a week. Tried taking her for a walk every day but she really doesn't want to do anything other than sit and look at the tv because she doesn't comprehend what's going on. She even naps during the day. I too question what stage she's in and when will I need the nursing home
Sharron Watson
saysThis article is just the confirmation I needed. My husband is sleeping for at least 15hrs if not more. This article has answered some of the questions that I've had going round and round in my head. I feel more content now to let him sleep, he's quite good for the few hours he's awake but quite disorientated if he does get up early.
Carolyn Dunn
saysWhy don't doctor's understand this. This was a problem every time my husband was hospitalized, despite me constantly explaining it's a normal behaviour for people with this disease. They would reportedly withdraw all meds with no affect except adding withdrawal symptoms as well. Please educate regional doctors and GPS in this behaviour.
Carolyn Dunn
Clare Wimbush
saysMy mum sleeps most of the day now we visit and she tells us to go as she needs to sleep but she is comfortable and safe
Gay Austin
saysThank you for your article it has helped so much. My Mum is in a nursing home and her sleeping is becoming a problem for them. I have been called in for a meeting because she has trouble sleeping at night and wondering,. My Mum seems to be spending a lot of time through the day sleeping and not when the nursing home thinks she should be . She informed me this week that the person looking after her wing at night was so sick of her because she was awake and went for a walk. To me the nursing home have no idea about Dementia, or the care that is needed, very happy to take $320.000, a lot more than her pension plus the money from the government.
Freda Gormley
saysGay find another nursing home immediatel. They are obviously unaware of how to "treat" or "handle" a patient with dementia. I would be worried about what they would be doing "to handle" your Mum. My Mum had it and now my husband has it, no one who ever minded them EVER said they were "so sick" of my loved one. Get her out as soon as possible!!
saysAgree! Get her out of there!!!
saysYes this happened with my Dad. They where going to send him to nut house. I said no way and brought him to my house.
Gill Cross
saysI run a complex dementia unit and our staff have no problems with residents being up at night , on interview we always say nights are as busy as the days with residents up and walking, we always have food available in case they are hungry, as you said they clearly do not have a good understanding of dementia, very sad for you to be told they are sick of her I think it is disgusting!
Delores Broten
saysDo you have enough staff at night? where my husband is there are 2 night staff for about 75 people, and i do suspect they drug them all bevause everyone is in bed by 6.30
saysGil, Good her there is a facility like yours that cater to the dementia night owls. Hope I will be fortunate to stay at a place like that when my time comes.
patricia cooper
saysLook for a nursing home that has a memory or dementia area. Apparently, that nursing home isn't experience in that area
Sherill Stueve
saysGay. Run. I worked in a nursing home. If the aids are sick of a resident because they get up and wonder around at night then you need to get your loved one out of there asap. Wondering around at night is so comon for dementia paitents. They seem to have no understanding or compation for your mum. Please find another phacility pronto to put her in that understands dementia and kindness. My heart goes out to you. Get her out of there.
saysYes, I agree with all the comments and add, you need to find a Memory Care facility. They are equipped to handle people with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. I don’t believe nursing homes are.
Jenny Field
saysBefore you make a decision be careful with your mums version of events vs reality as they can be quite different. Sadly paranoia or getting a misread of a situation can be a feature of dementia
Maree Doden
saysYour article confirmed alot. The lady i help care for has dementia, and has started sleeping longer in the morning and taking long "cat naps" in the afternoon. She wakes up rested and happy, so (based on your article) we will let her continue this. Only downside that has been going on for a long time now is her wakefulness at night. And she seems disoriented when she wakes up!!
saysthis is typical of my husband sleeps at least 20hrs out of 24hrs simple tasks really exhaust him, bed bath , eating , bed changing etc now after seeing this blog i do not feel as though I am neglecting him by letting him sleep, I now feel reassured it is the "norm" at this stage of his Alzheimer's journey
saysAweeeeee It’s helping us to read all this.
Ella meskin
saysI am worry should I wake him up after 13 hours sleep?
saysI'm in same situation with my 91 yr old mother.. 13 hrs of sleep? Wow. Seems so much.. My mom wakes for breakfast and meds, then sleeps the rest of the day, and sleeps all nite, too I'm just letting her sleep.
saysI am in the same situation with my 91 yr old Mom. She only gets up for meals and back to the bed and sleep. This site has helped me accept this.
saysMy husband is 91and seems to sleep all night and only stays awake to eat and then goes back to sleep.
saysMy 89 yr old Dad is doing the exact same thing. Up at mid afternoon for breakfast and pills then back to sleep. Sometimes until the next day. 😞
saysThank you for sharing Susan! I too am feeling guilty. My client has started to sleep a lot lot more than when I first started as his caregiver. I’ve tried lots of things to prompt him. I just have to accept the fact that it is what it is and not feel guilty about it.
Annette Skinner
saysI have a question. Is it common for dementia patients to disoray there home by messing up everything at nite
saysHi Annette,
Thanks for getting in touch - and sorry to hear you've been having problems with mess and sleep disturbance.
Sleep disturbances are common for people living with dementia. We have some information on our website that may help the person to sleep better at night: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/symptoms-and-diagnosis/sle…
In terms of the mess, there could be a number of different factors - perhaps the person feels confused or anxious. We have a page on anxiety here which may be useful:
We also have a page with tips on making your home dementia friendly, which may help to keep the person calm: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/blog/10-ways-make-your-home-dementia-frie…
If you're still having issues or would like to talk to a Dementia Adviser, I'd recommend calling our dementia helpine. They'll be able to learn a bit more about your situation and provide relevant information, advice and support. You can find contact details here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/national-dementia-helpline
I hope this is helpful,
Alzheimer's Society blog team
Kim Jost
saysThis helps me so much. My husband was diagnosed with dementia a year ago and he has slept all day. He is a veteran and hard to get ahold of the va.
saysMy dad has mixed dementia and stroke and small vessel disease from alcoholism (he doesn’t drink or smoke now) he is awake around 7am till 10.30am and then 6pm till 9pm we wake him to give him drinks and get him changed but I feel bad always waking him up, but struggle to get him to drink enough to not be dehydrated in such a short space of time, any ideas? Which is worse? 😳
saysI am new to this blog, but saw your trouble about keeping your father hydrated. If I may, I would suggest 'Pedialyte'. It is very good at keeping the body hydrated or rehydration of the body.
saysI always keep a drink near my mom so when she awakens from her naps she sees it immediately. She often drinks and goes right back to sleep.
Janette Thompson
saysI am new to this.Has never been diagnosed as dementia but the symptoms you descrbe fits my husband at 92 is suffering from this.. In regard to hydration , I find that useing the KNOX gelatin and following those directions you can cut small cubes of Gelatin and fill a bowl. leave them on table by his bed and he can reach them .They can be mixed with juices or any liquid, making it healhy as well as getting more liquid down. He does not drink ,hardly any< water. Pediatric is also very good . He has difficulty swallowing so I use the thickening agent in the liquids.
saysThe gelatin is a great idea. We use a thickening powder for hospitalized patients with swallowing difficulties who want to drink water or juice their families bring. There are lots of brands out there that sell it.
I am a medical student and reading all your comments really helps me empathize with my patients and their loved ones. You all are so important, and I know it is hard.
saysI used this 35 years ago for my kids and it has simply slipped my mind. I've tried Boost and Ensure along with meals, thinking it may help as a kickstart especially if the following meal is postponed or too small. Thank you for putting it in print!
Connie Carlson-Harper
My husband as well. At first it really depressed me. I thought he might be dying but that was 2 years ago. Now I allow him to do what ever makes him most comfortable. It's helpful that I'm not alone, just lonely. Connie
Fiona Swindell
saysMy heart goes out to you, & I really relate to your comment, my husband is the same. He is here (physically) but life is lonely & think only other carers would understand how we feel. A friend gave me a book recently, which helps - but it's not a magic cure all ... it's called THE SELFISH PIG'S GUIDE TO CARING. If nothing else, it brought a smile to my face. Perhaps it will do the same for you. Fi xx
saysConnie I have just read your comment and see my own motherin you - struggling, loyal and not knowing the best route to go - your (and mum’s) support is amazing - yet I worry about how much you loving wives can cope / understand/deal with all that you do. I am trying so much to help mum yet she resists and struggling as a result - you loving caregivers need to speak and give support to each other - you all understand the challenges. As a daughter I really worry about my mum - your comment ‘it’s helpful that I’m not alone - just lonely’ touched me - let’s get you speaking to mum - she is so lonely dealing with our dad - we support but confiding in someone experiencing same I feel would be so beneficial xx
Diane fischer
saysThis sounds exactly like my 87 year old mom. Thank you sharing what stage is your husband in?
saysHow do you know the stages and what are they?
Steve Sykes
saysWife is 64, sleeping more now. Dementia
bought on after kidney stone removed and urosepsis followed as wrong antibiotics given. Not easy, very hard in fact, only peace I get is when I sleep, sounds selfish I know. My wife knows she has dementia which makes it worse for her, can't do anything now for herself, can't leave her on her own even in our home, rather she doesn't want to be on her own even when I'm in the next room. She used to be the Head of the house, banking and management background.
Carers suffer as well, no talking no long conversation, difficult.
saysReading all these comments is so helpful. My dad is 86 and struggling with caring for my mum (also 86). He’s doing an amazing job considering this Lockdown and we can’t go and help! I’m so worried but will give him any advice I read in here. My mum has started to sleep a lot more during the day. Caring for a dementia patient is such a hard and thankless job - you’re all amazing 💜
saysHi Debbie,
We're so pleased this article and its comments have been useful. We would also recommend calling one of dementia advisers if you or your dad need any further information or advice about caring for your mum. Please call our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. (More information on opening times: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/dementia-connect-support-line)
Wishing you all the best, Debbie.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
Tara Carter
saysI was glad to read your post. I often experience feelings of guilt with the changes I am seeing as my Mother's dementia worsens...sometimes I still can't accept she has it....but then....and I'm back to the truth and reality. Mom really has dementia.
saysI know the feeling. I wish that one day I’d visit my mother and she will be back to normal, without dementia. It is so difficult seeing someone who was so outgoing and independent suffer in such a way. What makes it even worse in my situation is that my father also has Alzheimer’s . I’m loosing them both. My family is devastated but just trying to treasure every moment.
Bill Buckley
saysThank you Susan. My wife has progressed to the same situation, sleeping about 20 hours out of the day and getting exhausted by daily activities. I have been feeling badly that I can’t get her more connected and active for more of the day but she simply doses off. So we let her sleep and try to provide some stimulation when she is awake. I agree, this is the norm at this stage.
Lancs carer
saysMy mother is exactly the same - sleeping between 18 hours and 21 hours a day. Wakes around midday and by 1.30pm she wants to go back to bed. I sometimes manage to keep her awake a while longer by putting a favourite musical on tv but it's not always successful. I was becoming really worried so it helps to read others have the same problem. I'm having to guess at which stage of Alzheimer's my Mum is at as there is no medical assessment but would say stage 5 to stage 6.
Lori Bruskin
saysMy Mom (78) has Aphasia Dementia and Lung Cancer and is similarly sleeping sometimes 14 + hours. She gets angry and agitated when we try everything possible to wake her. Is this normal? Do we try to wake her and how?? Thoughts? Suggestions?
saysI looked after both my parents and lived in their home from 2014 when my mother had a brain haemorrhage she was my dad's carer my 2 children also live with us 9 and 14 they haven't really known anything else as we have all ways had this relationship ,my dad passed away 2018 but both my parents where immobile and my father bed ridden with also Neuro diabetes and other ailments .My mother also has cervical cancer .People ask how do you do it ?I just do I wouldn't have it any other way but I do get down sometime torn between parents and children and everyday I feel I'm not doing enough or letting someone down. My children are amazing the way they carry themselves in everything from education to friends and just being carring. My main problem I think are parents at my childrens schools and outside activities and some teachers who don't know or understand why we do what we do and then there's the person on the other end of the phone when I've got to catch up with a bill or the new social worker for my mum. Most times I tell them to come and see the family dynamic before you judge but know one comes . Went back to work after DAD passed away to have an extra income and get ready for the childrens academic future but was judged even more but I don't care as long as mum and children are safe ,healthy, loved and I see a smile on their face once a day I will continue to take care of my mother and do best for both her and my children .
It doesn't matter how each person deals with dementia in their family as we are all different and can learn from each other as long as we do it with LOVE ,Patience ,Knowledge and Understanding .YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS they need you even if its that 1 call 1 visit its worth it even for yourself, flow.with the changes in them and take.time.for.yourself..MUCH LOVE TO ALL DEALING WITH DEMENTIA