Volunteer policies and guidance

These policies and guidance documents are here to support you in your volunteering at Alzheimer’s Society. If you are unsure about anything, please contact your volunteer role manager or your main staff contact. 

Our policies

Travel and expenses policy - This sets out the principles around claiming for expenses. To submit any expenses, please ask your role manager for an expenses form.

Travel and expenses guidance - This gives more information on what expenses you can claim for. To submit any expenses, please ask your role manager for an expenses form.

Volunteer resolving concerns guidance - This details a) how to raise a concern as a volunteer and b) how role managers can raise any concerns with volunteers should the situation arise.

Safeguarding for volunteers factsheet - A simple guide on what a safeguarding concern is and how to report any concerns.

Safeguarding adults policy and procedure - This policy outlines our commitment to adults at risk (a category of adults with care and support needs). 

Safeguarding children policy and procedure - This policy details our commitment to the safeguarding of children.

Professional boundaries guidance – Maintaining suitable professional boundaries is essential to our work supporting people affected by dementia. This policy outlines the standards and approach we expect from our people.

Information Management Policy - This policy outlines how everyone should handle information (including personal information) at the Society. 

Information Management Standard - This gives the detail of how to manage data and information on a practical level. 

For any questions on these or any other policies or guidance, please contact your volunteer role manager.