Over a third of people with dementia are undiagnosed. Early diagnosis is essential for accessing necessary support and benefits, and it's becoming even more critical with the development of new treatments. With your ongoing support, we can change this. 

George, Tencie, and their dementia adviser sit around a table, engaged in conversation

You helped bring Althea into George’s life

George has Alzheimer’s disease and he and his wife Tencie were both struggling to understand what was happening with George’s memory and moods. Dementia Adviser Althea was able to explain how dementia affects the brain, and why he sometimes did things out of character. 

Your support could mean that our Dementia Advisers can be there to help someone understand a loved one’s symptoms, so that it isn’t so upsetting if they forget things or become confused. You can help ensure we’re present in people’s lives, to listen and show them they’re not alone. 

Donate today and give hope to someone with dementia