Westerham Forget-me-not cafe

Provided by:

Sevenoaks Area Dementia Friendly Community Charity


Please contact the service provider for details of any costs.

There are six Forget-Me-Not cafés in the Sevenoaks District and a singing group. They aim to provide support and companionship over a cuppa. Each café runs once a month therefore, people can attend more than one café. There is a programme of activities run in the cafés to engage, stimulate and provide fun to both Patrons and their family/carer. Each café creates an informal environment to give access to information and peer support.

Who is this service for?

  • People with diagnosed, undiagnosed memory loss, isolation or loneliness and dementia and family, friend or carer

What amenities are there?

  • Parking off site
  • Toilet facilities available
  • Accessible
  • Refreshments available

When is it available?

For opening times please contact the service provider.

Please contact the service provider for more information.

Contact and location

Where to find us

The Congregational Church, Fullers Hill,
Westerham TN16 1AB

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