Provided by:
Mole Valley District Council
Please contact the service provider for details of any costs.
The Home Instead Reminiscence Cafe is led by Jackie and is an opportunity for carers and people with memory problems to get together to use photographs, music and activities to stimulate the sharing of memories, recollections and past experiences. This group is informally run and gives everyone an opportunity to talk and share past experiences. It can be amazing how much people in the group can have in common and how one persons memories can help to recall someone else's memories. It is also and important way in helping attendees express their sense of identity and individuality.
Who is this service for?
- People with dementia and their carers
What amenities are there?
- Parking off site
- Toilet facilities available
- Accessible
- Refreshments available
When is it available?
For opening times please contact the service provider.