Provided by:
Age UK Somerset
Please contact the service provider for details of any costs.
The Memory Connections service operated by Age UK Somerset is a dementia Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (MCST) programme of meaningful and stimulating activities for people living with mild to moderate dementia. The group session offers its members a range of enjoyable activities providing general stimulation for thinking, concentration and memory. Each week the session will cover different themes and topics such as: life history; current affairs; word games; physical activity, music, creativity and much more. The sessions aim to be group led with members choosing topics and themes they would enjoy discussing to encourage a greater engagement and enthusiasm. Participants can attend face-to-face group sessions. The trained specialist team deliver the session and group members are encouraged to engage in a wide variety of activities to promote the maintenance of an active and stimulated mind.
Who is this service for?
- Residents of Somerset and North Somerset only
- People living with mild to moderate dementia or without a formal dementia diagnosis, who may have memory problems or cognitive impairment
What amenities are there?
- Parking on site
- Toilet facilities available
- Accessible
- Refreshments available
When is it available?
For opening times please contact the service provider.
Please contact the service provider for more information.