How to play Alzheimer's Society charity lottery

To play the Big Win Weekly lottery, set up a Direct Debit and you will be entered into our weekly prize draw.

You can purchase up to 6 entries per week and you can change this at any time by calling our Lottery helpline on: 01524 753 238.

You can also sign up to join the Big Win Weekly Lottery in person at one of our face to face fundraising locations.

Your numbers will be randomly generated by us and posted to you in your welcome pack.

Look out for our welcome draw and birthday draw!

If you have won any of the prizes, we will be in touch with you. We also publish the list of winners online.

We love hearing from our winners so don’t forget to let us know how you spent it if you win!

Are you a Big Win Weekly Lottery winner?

Our draw is held every Friday, after which we'll update the lucky winners! 

Are you a winner?

Play to make a difference

Your support means that people don't have to face this condition alone, and that together, we can build a better tomorrow for everyone affected by dementia.

In 2022, our Big Win Raffle and the Big Win Weekly Lottery raised over £2 million pounds in ticket sales! 

The money raised contributed to supporting more than 9700 people living with dementia.

Lily a service user

It can get lonely living on my own, but every week, I get a call from Lucy, my Dementia Support Worker. She is wonderful.

Play to win cash prizes

Joining the Big Win Weekly Lottery is easy. Simply enter your details and choose how many entries you want to pay for.

Play now