Understanding the different types of memory

Read about the different types of memory, how we use our senses and how your memory works.

What are the different types of memory?

Memory is a very complex thing – there are several different types. You use these different types of memory when you do different things. It can help to know a little about them.

How your memory uses the senses

Your memory takes in the information provided by your senses. Our five senses are:

  • Sight
  • Smell
  • Taste
  • Touch
  • Hearing

You can recall information stored in your memory with or without the help of prompts from your senses. However, a prompt can often help.

How is memory processed?

When you ‘record’ memory and then recall it, your mind goes through this process:

  • Receiving – You get a piece of information that is received through your five senses.
  • Encoding – Your brain converts this information into a form that can be stored. It is held in your short-term memory first.
  • Storing – You transfer some of the information from short-term memory into the storage of long-term memory. This can take anything from a few seconds to many months and can be helped by repeating it over and over again in your mind (known as ‘rehearsal’).
  • Retrieving – You recall the information stored in your long-term memory.

Memory problems can be caused by something going wrong at any of these stages. The way information is stored and retrieved can be very specific to the individual. It often depends on how important the information is to you, or if there is a strong emotion tied to the memory.

Try tackling memory problems even if you sometimes find it difficult. There are ways to help improve your memory and you may already use your own techniques for remembering things.

Understand more about dementia and the brain

To learn more about how dementia affects the brain, including memory, read our information.

Read our information
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