Dealing with memory problems - other resources

See other organisations who can help when you're dealing with memory problems.

AcTo Dementia

Provides recommendations and guidance on accessible touchscreen apps for people living with dementia.

Age UK

0800 055 6112 (advice line, 8am–7pm every day)

Age Cymru

08000 223 444 (advice line, 8am–7pm every day)

Age NI

0808 808 7575 (advice line, 8am–7pm every day)

Charity offering companionship, advice and support for older people.

AT Dementia

Trent Dementia Services Development Centre
Institute of Mental Health
University of Nottingham Innovation Park
Jubilee Campus, Triumph Road
Nottingham NG7 2TU

0115 748 4220

A charity that works to promote high-quality care and services for people with dementia through consultancy, project work, education and information and advice on assistive technologies.

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

15 St John’s Business Park
Leicestershire LE17 4HB

01455 883300
[email protected]

National body representing counsellors and psychotherapists. Can provide a list of counsellors and psychotherapists in your area.

British Psychological Society

St Andrews House
48 Princess Road East
Leicester LE1 7DR

0116 254 9568
[email protected]

Provides access to a list of clinical and counselling psychologists who offer private therapy services.

Disabled Living Foundation

Unit 1, 34 Chatfield Road
London SW11 3SE

0300 999 0004 (helpline, 10am–4pm Tuesday–Thursday)
[email protected]

A national charity that provides impartial advice, information and training on independent living. The organisation has a library of simple electronic aids which people in England can borrow for two weeks to try out.

Royal College of Occupational Therapists

106–114 Borough High Street
London SE1 1LB

020 7357 6480

Provides details of independent occupational therapists in your local area.

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

2 White Hart Yard
London SE1 1NX

020 7378 1200
[email protected]

The professional body for speech and language therapists in the UK. It provides information about speech and language therapy.

More information:

Last reviewed: March 2017
Next review due: March 2020

This information has also been reviewed by people affected by dementia. A list of sources is available on request from [email protected]

The Memory Handbook:

The information on these pages is taken from The memory handbook - a free publication that you can download or order. 

Find out more about The Memory Handbook
