Planning ahead when you're living with dementia in Northern Ireland

Read about the different ways that you can plan for your future when you're living with dementia in Northern Ireland.

Planning ahead means you’ll get to decide how your affairs will be managed in the future, and who will do this. As well as giving you peace of mind, this can make things easier for those close to you.

This can include appointing people to make decisions for you when you can no longer make them yourself, making a will, and making your wishes for your future care clear. 

Ways of planning ahead

Advance planning for your care and treatment

It isn’t possible to make an Enduring power of attorney that covers decisions about your care and treatment. However, there are some other things you can do to make your wishes clear in relation to your future care.

What happens if you haven’t planned ahead? 

There are various processes that may be followed if you become unable to manage your affairs but haven’t put plans in place. 

Decisions about your care and treatment 

Unless you’ve made a valid advance decision, decisions about your care and treatment will be made by the professionals looking after you (such as doctors or social workers).

Professionals should do this by looking at what is in your best interests. They should take account of anything you have said in any advance statement you have made. They should also involve those close to you as far as possible.