Financial and legal tips for people living with dementia in Northern Ireland

If you are living with dementia, it's a good idea to get your financial and legal affairs in order. We have advice on sorting out your paperwork and managing your money for people in Northern Ireland.

Financial and legal tips Northern Ireland
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When you’re diagnosed with dementia, there will come a time when you no longer have the ability (known as ‘mental capacity’) to make some decisions for yourself. This means it’s a good idea to get your financial and legal affairs in order while you are still able to.

This can make it easier for you to manage things as your dementia progresses. It also means you’ll get to decide how your affairs will be managed in the future, and who will do this. As well as giving you peace of mind, this can make things easier for those close to you. 

The law in Northern Ireland in relation to mental capacity is set to change. However, at the time of publication it’s not possible to say for certain when that will be. The changes will affect the law regarding Enduring powers of attorney, controllership and advance decisions, which are all dealt with in these pages.

Sorting out your paperwork 

It can be a good idea to get all your financial and legal papers in order.

Take time to ensure that all your important documents, including any saved electronically, can be found easily. This can also make it easier for someone who is helping you manage your affairs, or who might be managing them in the future if you no longer have the ability to do so. 

Your paperwork might include: 

  • bank and building society statements 
  • records of mortgage or rent, insurance policies 
  • your will and Enduring power of attorney (if you have them) 
  • tax and pension details 
  • utility bills 
  • any guarantees. 

You could ask someone you trust to help you do this. If you own your home, you should also make a note of where your title deeds are located. These are often held by your solicitor or by your mortgage lender even if you have paid off your mortgage.

Bank accounts

You may have your own bank account, or you may have a joint bank account with someone else. 

Your bank may be able to advise you on ways to keep control of your cash and make paying for things easier. They may offer different payment options such as online banking and contactless. For more information see our booklet on Managing your money


You should make sure that you’re getting all the benefits you’re entitled to, as should anyone who cares for you. 

For more information see our pages on Benefits for people affected by dementia. You can also check with the Benefit Enquiry Line, the nidirect government website or your local Citizens Advice – see Other resources

More advice on managing your money

For more information about the different ways that benefits can be paid and how to have someone help you manage them, see our booklet Managing your money.

Managing your money