Do you have to sell your home to pay for care in Wales?

Whether a home is taken into consideration in a financial assessment depends on where the person with dementia is receiving care. If the person is living in a care home, their home may be included. 

If the person is receiving homecare

The value of the person’s home is not counted in their financial assessment if they receive care at home. It should not be used when deciding their contribution towards the cost of this type of care.

How these assessments work is slightly different when paying for care in England or care in Northern Ireland.

If the person is in a care home

The person may be living in a care home, but still own their own home. This may mean that their home value is included in the financial assessment.

There are some situations where this is not the case. In these instances, the home will not be taken into account, even when paying for care home costs. This is when one of the following people who lives in the property will continue to live there after the person has moved into a care home:

  • A husband, wife, civil partner or partner.
  • A close relative over the age of 60.
  • A dependent child.
  • A relative who is disabled or incapacitated.

The person’s house might also be the permanent home of someone who has been caring for them, such as a friend. For as long as the carer is living there, the local authority have discretion to decide whether to include the value of the home in the assessment. This is more likely to apply in cases where the carer has given up their own home to care for the person with dementia.

If you do have to sell the person's home

The value of the person’s home should not be taken into account for the first 12 weeks they are permanently living in the care home. 

This is called the ‘12-week property disregard’. This may mean that, during this time, the local authority will pay or contribute towards the care home fees. 

This grace period can give people time to sell the home, or to speak to the local authority about other options. The property disregard will end if the property sells before the end of the 12-week period. To benefit from the full 12–week property disregard, the local authority must be told before a person becomes a permanent care home resident.