Toilet problems, continence and dementia – useful resources
Find other organisations and resources that can help you care for a person experiencing toilet problems and incontinence.
- Toilet problems, continence and dementia
- Maintaining a healthy bladder and bowels
- Reducing and managing accidents
- Continence aids and professional support
- You are here: Toilet problems, continence and dementia – useful resources
Continence and using the toilet
Other useful organisations
Bladder & Bowel UK
0161 214 4591 (Helpline, 9am–4.30pm, Monday–Friday)
Bladder and Bowel UK is a national service that aims to improve life for all people with bladder or bowel problems by offering product information, advice and practical solutions to professionals and the public.
Continence Product Advisor
Continence Product Advisor is a website that gives impartial advice on continence products, written by healthcare professionals.
Disability Rights UK
0330 995 0400 (not an advice line)
Disability Rights UK sells Radar Keys, which offer disabled people independent access to locked public toilets around the country. Toilets fitted with National Key Scheme locks can be found in shopping centres, pubs, cafés, department stores, bus and train stations and many other locations in most parts of the country.
Review details
Our information is based on evidence and need, and is regularly updated using quality-controlled processes. It is reviewed by experts in health and social care and people affected by dementia.
Reviewed by: Dr Cathy Murphy and Christine de Laine, Bladder and Bowel Management research group, School of Health Sciences, University of Southampton
This information has also been reviewed by people affected by dementia.
To give feedback on this information, or for a list of sources, please contact
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