UTIs and dementia - useful organisations

Find out more about organisations that can give further information and support on UTIs and dementia.

Useful organisations

Bladder and Bowel Community

[email protected]


The Bladder and Bowel Community is a charity that gives help, information and support for all types of bladder and bowel-related problems.

Bladder & Bowel UK

0161 214 4591 (9am–4.30pm Monday–Friday)

[email protected]


Bladder & Bowel UK is a charity that provides practical advice and product information for people who have bladder and bowel problems.

Review details

Last reviewed: June 2019

Next review due: June 2022

Reviewed by: Dr Danielle Harari, Consultant Physician in Geriatric and Acute Medicine, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and
Professor Simon Conroy, Department of Health Sciences, University of Leicester

This information has also been reviewed by people affected by dementia.

To give feedback on this information, or for a list of sources, please email [email protected]