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If you're ready to tell your story, we want your voice to be heard.

Help bring dementia out from behind closed doors and tell us, what is your reality of dementia?

It will take society to beat dementia. We’ll take your stories to those who need to hear them most, to help make dementia the political priority it deserves to be.

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My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s 5 years...
My husband was diagnosed with mixed dementia(vascular & Alzheimers) in Feb 22. But myself, family and friends saw a change in his personality from 2016. Following an...
Both parents diagnosed with dementia. Health care workers visited but came before appointment time on many occasions. They would say everything was fine and they were...
My mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2017, a...
My mum and dad both had dementia, mum had vascular dementia died in 2008, dad had Alzheimer’s died in 2017. Dad had many stays in hospital due to Physical problems...
We knew mum wasn’t right, lots of little things started happening which weren’t too odd in themselves but put together made us quite worried. I was diagnosed with...
It took me twelve months to get my diagnosed . We had to argue our G P until they sent us to the memory clinic.
A timely diagnosis depends on the loved one agreeing to go through the process. It took about 3 months to persuade Val to receive the memory tests and CT scan. The...
I noticed my mum's memory was beginning to go before she turned 80, her partner also mentioned it to me. I asked for her to be assessed and in time someone came out to...
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Our mum’s behaviour had changed so we took her to...
My husband was diagnosed with a cognitive impairment after having an episode of delirium in 2018. He was only 66 at the time. His memory is steadily getting worse...
Trying to get things moving for Dad to get specialised care was so frustrating and painful as there seemed to be a lack of urgency initially and then complete lack of...

Share your diagnosis story

Share your diagnosis experiences with us, so we can show decision makers the realities and issues people are facing.

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