Share your story

If you're ready to tell your story, we want your voice to be heard.

Help bring dementia out from behind closed doors and tell us, what is your reality of dementia?

It will take society to beat dementia. We’ll take your stories to those who need to hear them most, to help make dementia the political priority it deserves to be.

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My mum was eventually diagnosed with mixed dementia. She was only in her early sixties and my poor dad had to become her carer. She hid her dementia really well and...
Dementia Action Week supporter
My Dad had to wait so long for a diagnosis, my Mom...
I lost my mum to vascular dementia on the 18th of...
My husband Tom showed personality changes & trouble with memory as far back as 2016, but diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2019, after I spoke to our GP, who referred him...
My mother Betty was a fabulous cook. She was constantly in the kitchen creating wonderful meals. Her main hobby was making & decorating cakes - birthday cakes for the...
My grandma had dementia, it was awful to witness her deterioration, but worse came, two of my aunts became ill with dementia. It was awful to watch their...
My Mum started having difficulties with her memory in 2018, she had a CT scan and was told by the doctor that there was ‘no sign of dementia’ we now know that not...
I lost my lovely Dad to dementia. It was the saddest...
2014 my lovely Mum Voila had a fall and hit her head...
The wait and see policy, as it seems it is, for the diagnosis of Dementia is cruel. Both my parents had to wait unnecessarily losing valuable time that they could have...
My story is about my lovely Mum. I am going back to approximately 2000 - My mum had been diagnosed with Vascular Dementia and I was almost 58 and working part time as...
My husband was a member of Mensa so was able to mask his symptoms for years. The family noticed signs around 2014 but he wasn’t formally diagnosed until 2021. The...

Share your diagnosis story

Help bring dementia out from behind closed doors and tell us, what is your reality of dementia?

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