Share your diagnosis story

We want to show decision-makers across the UK the realities of seeking a dementia diagnosis. 

Share yours or a loved one's diagnosis story today and we'll add it to our story wall.

Let's make dementia a priority.

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After a brain scan in 2017 my husb...
My partner has terminal cancer. After problems with memory, he sought help from his GP. The local memory service and consultant there diagnosed Frontotemporal Dementia,...
My dad was getting memory impairment - we could see this as a family but it took a while to get a diagnosis - he was super-intelligent and so those who didn't know him ...
My story started about two and ha...
My dad was painfully diagnosed with early on-set Alzheimer’s at the young age of 51 after several years of tests and tears. Last year, at 34 years old I found out that ...
I spent 11 years caring for my dear mum and dad who both had dementia. No symptoms were the same and I felt helpless and just learned through reading articles but neve...
My mother was diagnosed 2 years ago, although I suspect she’d had it about 5 years by then, she would not even talk about it or see doctor as she’d seen her own mother ...
My wife was diagonised with alzhie...
My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, days before the lockdown in 2019. At that time the disease was already quite advanced. Unfortunately with it being l...
Getting a diagnosis for my husband’s Alzheimer’s was a mission. I recognised symptoms a couple of months after a cancer operation. I persuaded him to go see a doctor ev...
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My husband was diagnosed with Alzh...
My husband was diagnosed with mixed dementia(vascular & Alzheimers) in Feb 22. But myself, family and friends saw a change in his personality from 2016. Following an in...

Share your diagnosis story

Share your diagnosis experiences with us, so we can show decision makers the realities and issues people are facing.

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