Share your diagnosis story

We want to show decision-makers across the UK the realities of seeking a dementia diagnosis. 

Share yours or a loved one's diagnosis story today and we'll add it to our story wall.

Let's make dementia a priority.

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I am confirmed Alzheimer’s and dementia 2 months ago 2 years ago I noticed I was not finishing a conversation with a particular detail. I saw my GP he sent me to Memo...
I was diagnosed last Christmas it was a shock im64 I had a good Specialist I have good medication ihave Dementia and Alzheimer try to be positive I have a supportive fa...
Both my parents had vascular dementia. It was truly horrible watching them change, lose who they were and ultimately die as a result of the disease. Dad required extra...
I first suspected my father had dementia six years ago, but he has been resistant to an assessment. At first agreeing to it and then becoming abusive about the whole s...
I knew my dad and others in my family line had had some form of dementia... at 73 I was sent to neurologist by family doctor. Getting a diagnosis is hard...blood test n...
My son was going through a stressful time and worried about his memory. His GP suggested he try a research project into memory loss . My husband went with him as his b...
my 77yo wife developed dementia after two major abdominal operations ( first one due to mis-diagnosis) within three weeks of each other - assumed to have been caused by...
I knew something was wrong with my wife. She was getting lost in our own home. Things like asking where the bathroom was, when we have live here for 14 years. On more ...
My wife was diagnosed with vascular dementia after a couple of years where her behaviour had become more agitated and her memory was deteriorating. The medication does...
My dad had become forgetful in terms of his short term memory. Mum accompanies him to appointments because his processing of information is slower and he can't always r...
I am a 77 yrs old married man with a digagnosis of frontal lobe alzheimer's which I inherited from my late mother who had parkinson's ( parkinson's is caused by a lack...
My wife of 50 year's who has had a heart op and cancer, had a very hard upbringing, and has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's she has been very brave and we have had...

Share your diagnosis story

Share your diagnosis experiences with us, so we can show decision makers the realities and issues people are facing.

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