Share your diagnosis story

We want to show decision-makers across the UK the realities of seeking a dementia diagnosis. 

Share yours or a loved one's diagnosis story today and we'll add it to our story wall.

Let's make dementia a priority.

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During Covid my dad got his diagnosis, I couldn’t meet his needs on my own due to having a stroke, carers were coming in x2 3 times a day, they only worked with him for...
My mother was diagnosed early in 2017 with Alzheimers. Unfortunately, even though she was suitable for medication to assist a little, this was not mentioned at the memo...
I’ve still not got a diagnosis for my lovely Mum. She lived about 200 miles away from me and so a lot of travelling backwards and forwards and calls. Her GP surgery was...
My Father was diagnosed with Dementia in 2017. We managed to keep him at home at 1st caring for him myself, before bringing in carers and then when Covid hit we had no ...
I am sure that my story is nothing unusual. My mother came from a very poor background but was bright enough to win a scholarship to a grammar school and became a coll...
My husband had Alzheimer’s diagnos...
My husband was finally diagnosed in 2020 after a suicide attempt ,we had suspected dementia for 2 years but were told by gp it was not ! I care for him on my own ,very ...
My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2018. I had taken him to the doctor after several years in which his memory and ability to perform 'normal' tasks e.g. hand...
I'm still waiting to be able to have an a appointment with a Doctor, I have a form filled in, from Dementia , but alas still waiting. My aunt(on my fathers side) had ...
My Mother an incredibly talented a...
My mum had vascular dementia. It was heart breaking to see her, as see progressed with the dementia. Since mum died in 2020. Both her younger sister and brother passed ...
My husband was diagnosed with dementia a couple of years ago...he also became bedbound with urinary snd arthritis would be much harder if he were active..g...

Share your diagnosis story

Share your diagnosis experiences with us, so we can show decision makers the realities and issues people are facing.

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