Share your diagnosis story

We want to show decision-makers across the UK the realities of seeking a dementia diagnosis. 

Share yours or a loved one's diagnosis story today and we'll add it to our story wall.

Let's make dementia a priority.

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We never got a diagnosis! Although it turns out the GP knew in 2002! I coped with my mums bizarre behavior etc until in June 2005 when I had to break into her house and...
I met my Wife Nancy in 1999 We bot...
Getting a dementia diagnosis helpe...
We waited a long time for a diagnosis & when eventually referred to the memory clinic my husband was sent for an X-ray.When result came back we met dementia nurse who ...
My grandma was diagnosed with vasc...
My husband,Brian, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at the age of 63. The appointment at the hospital was brief and I had to actually ask the consultant if Brian had Alzhe...
After at least two years of mental difficulties my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1989. He was only 52 and died two years later; he looked 82. At that time it...
Dementia Action Week supporter
Both mine & my husbands parents ha...
Both my Grandparents suffered with...
Our story starts in 2012 in Church...
Dementia Action Week supporter
I felt from the moment I recognise...
We got a diagnosis very soon after noticing a change in my late husbands behaviour and memory .he was put on medication to help slow it down and it did to start wit...

Share your diagnosis story

Share your diagnosis experiences with us, so we can show decision makers the realities and issues people are facing.

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