Develop a programme to learn from feedback and ideas
You need to be proactive and to plan ahead when you want to involve people with dementia in comissioning and planning new services.
- The need to measure experience in dementia-friendly ways
- Commissioners have a key role in improving experience and care
- Personalised Care, Social Prescribing, Assessment and Improvement
- Organisational culture and workforce development for improved dementia services
- Appreciating the experience of people affected by dementia
- You are here: Develop a programme to learn from feedback and ideas
Your programme should have key elements:
- Plan for involvement and getting feedback about the experience of people living with dementia
- Action to gather feedback and ideas
- Analysis of feedback, ideas and how the process worked.
- Action plan for next steps
- Updating people on what you learned and decisions made as a result of learning from their feedback
Making your plan for involvement and getting feedback
What opportunities can you create in relation to
- contracts coming up for review or renewal?
- new standards. policies and practices to be implemented?
- priority areas for action in your commissioning plan?
- areas of work for which there is a legal duty to consult?
Why involvement and gettng feedback makes good financial sense
- savings: service users may identify ideas for quick, easy and inexpensive improvements to services, potentially including to reduce length of hospital admissions and to reduce urgent admissions.
- income: there may be opportunities to get extra income for services for patient experience activity