10 ways to make your home dementia friendly
If you have dementia, living at home can help you feel safe and stay independent. Read our top 10 tips for making your home dementia friendly.
For a person living with dementia, living at home can give you a sense of independence. By making some changes to your home, you are able to continue with the routines or activities you enjoy. Each of these changes can help you stay safe, active, and allow you to continue to enjoy your home.
Here are 10 ideas to make your home more dementia friendly.
1. Make sure you’ve got good lighting.
Check that natural light can get into your house – good lighting helps you see clearly and make sense of where you are. Make sure there’s nothing blocking light from coming in through the window. Also make sure your bedroom is dark enough at night, as this will help you sleep better.
2. Make sure your flooring is safe.
Remove anything that could make you trip up. Get rid of any rugs or mats, and watch out for other trip hazards like cables. Make sure you can see the flooring clearly too – plain matt flooring is best.
Avoid flooring that’s shiny or that’s a similar colour to the walls, as it may confuse you.
3. Make eating and drinking easier.
Eating and drinking well is important for your health. Use plates, cups and tablecloths with colours that contrast with food. Try using clear plastic containers to store your food, so you can see what’s inside.
4. Get furniture that you can see clearly.
Dementia may affect how well you can tell the difference between colours. Use bright and contrasting colours to help you see furniture better. Avoid stripes and strong patterns as they can be confusing.
5. Remind yourself where things are.
If you have memory problems you may forget where things are kept. Put pictures or signs on cupboards and drawers so you know what’s inside them. Try to keep things like your keys, wallet and mobile phone in the same place.
In this video, hear how Wendy, who has young-onset Alzheimer's disease, has adapted her home with helpful signage:
6. Keep things simple in the bathroom.
Put a picture and sign on the door labelling the toilet or bathroom. Consider removing the toilet lid if it makes it easier to identify. It’s also helpful to have towels and toilet rolls with colours that contrast the walls. Clear away items not used regularly.
7. Keep clutter-free.
Untidiness around the home may make you feel confused and distracted. Get rid of any excess clutter and make sure cupboards and drawers are tidy. Turn off the TV or radio when you’re not watching or listening to them, so the noise isn’t confusing or distracting.
8. Use equipment to keep yourself safe.
Use grab rails to hold onto and prevent yourself from falling. Installing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors can also help keep you safe. Sensors can help too. For example, they can detect whether the water has been left running or the temperature is too high or low.

9. Keep active and engaged.
Keeping up with the things you enjoy is great for your quality of life. Use a large-faced clock and a calendar to help you keep track of the day and time, and the different things you’re doing. Some people find a whiteboard helpful for writing down reminders.
10. Get outside.
Take opportunities to get outdoors – it’s good for your wellbeing. Check that the front door is easy to tell apart from the others in the road or block. If you’ve got a garden, make sure there’s somewhere you can sit and rest when you need to.
Make your home dementia friendly
Read our booklet about practical ways to make your home more dementia friendly.
Pearl Baker
saysMy husband diagnosed recently with mild Alzheimer's Type? not sure what this means, he has short term memory loss, and no longer drives his car but still plays golf and Bridge, I think not driving his car has had a significant impact on his independence. We are about to try the Bus, I will put him on the Bus into Town for him to look around, when he is ready to come Home he will contact by mobile, I will collect. We also try to visit garden centres and eat out. I give him jobs to do around the House, otherwise he would just sit, and use his mobile phone to read the News and other things. My daughter is moving, so will engage more with her dad, and take him to her house, which is by a canal, he eats well, but thin.
I am on a learning curve, but trying.
katherine Swartile
saysWhat is the latest research news on treatment for
Alzheimer's Society
saysHi Katherine, thanks for getting in touch. Our Research team provide regular updates about the latest news in dementia treatments and there are a number of ways you can find out more.
You can sign up to our Research e-newsletter (, which gives a monthly update of the latest dementia research news. We also have a dedicated Research category on our blog ( and can also keep an eye on our Latest news section of the website (, which includes our comments on dementia research stories that have appeared in the media.
You may also be interested in our Care and Cure Magazine (…), which is the research magazine from Alzheimer's Society. It’s possible to read issues online, or you can subscribe to receive a monthly subscription via post.
Tom Sheward
saysGood Afternoon,
Do you have a list of approved contractors to make adaptations to my Mothers property?, we need an access ramp putting installing to aid entry/exit to the house. We have tried our local social services and they are worse than useless so have decided to install it ourselves .
saysHello Tom,
For help with assistive technology, we have a list of organisations that may be better placed to advise on what you're looking for:… This information is also available as a free downloadable factsheet (see page 18-19 for organisations to contact)
We hope this helps, Tom.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
saysPlease be circumspect- some medical interventions especially anaesthetic (in my opinion) cause problems. I have seen someone in the later stages really really struggle to survive with apnoea (forgetting to breath) and chest infection one after another. In this instance the surgery was absolutely life saving. But the flu jab well .... firstly it’s an inactive weakened virus. To all intents, a dead virus. Only activated when it comes into contact with the flu. (So long as the experts have guessed well on the strains that will circulate in flu season). So I am a flu champ because if a dementia registered person catches influenza it’s highly likely they will die. There is no way their weakened immune system will cope. No antibiotic will help and pneumonia is inevitable. I can only imagine that people cognitive function decline after the flu jab because they were getting unwell anyway. Infection or virus. Fungi or parasite. Don’t know for sure but what I do know is people with dementia access devices fairly regularly. Inside and outside of their home. That service will most likely involve contact with other people. These people are unintentional contaminates. Even the most well informed can accidentally infect a medically vulnerable person. Take your health professionals advice always when thinking about not having the flu jab. x
Linda Libretto
saysI was wondering if anyone else has noticed a deterioration in the condition of the dementia loved one they are caring for after they have had their flu jab. I hav noticed my partner has got worse this October and last October.
saysOh my goodnessa I hadn't thought of that possibility. Mum had her flu jab at the end of September and has definitely deteriorated since then. Does your partner improve at all or does the decline in cognitive ability continue?
Alan jeeves
saysThere is help out there if you can manage to talk to the right people who have the knowledge and know how it’s a matter of trying your best to do this.
Parimal Roy
saysAbove steps for moderate or low affected patients.My patient doesnot understand when nature calls. Can not use water napkins. Can not read or. draw any picture. Can not wash hand or mouth .can not eat without help etc kindly intomate step of vare at home.thanks
saysRing your local Alzheimer’s Society. They can offer you one of their dementia support workers/advisors to come to your home for a visit. That way you can ask all the questions you want answered by a specialist within the field. Information booklets and factsheets can be left with you to read up on the essential information that may help you understand the condition better.
They can also sign post to social services, other agencies and offer information to extended family and friends too. Go on the web site and look for support in your area.. hope this helps. 👍
saysFirst speak to your GP or the practice ‘cluster’ professional because they might have a mental health nurse , social worker or occupational therapist. They will sign post you to help or make a referral to memory clinic eg.
Ruth Watson
saysWe need to learn more on Dementia, don't think a lot of people now what the implications are with this illness, I don't till my husband was digonois with this is may! So much to learn! So much help if you know we're to get it! My eyes have been open! Needs to be published more, locally! Of the help you can get! Because nobody help will help you!
Put more on line! Having said this a lot of older people don't have computors, iPads ! Help this people in Newspapers. Local authorities!
Phanplets! Etc. Through the letter boxes!
Mrs Pmoore
saysIt all true what you have said it really hard there is no help out there you have to do it all your self some People don't under stand it