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Why are Day Centres still closed? Our Council run Day centre for people living with dementia re-opened in August last year and has remained open since. The time between March 2020 and Aug when we were closed, many carers faced the difficult choice of placing their loved ones in care as they could not cope on their own. Our Centre had a thorough risk assessment as many clients mental and physical health declined due to being housebound and isolated. We have a cleaning regime and social distancing on our buses and within the Centre and also do this with our activities. Local authorities should be justifying why they are keeping these resources closed. Does not the Care Act say Carers needs need to be provided by the State? or have I got that wrong. Unfortunately it seems the perpetual lockdowns will be ongoing and Councils need to looking at ways of re-introducing these services where they can.
We have not had a single case of the virus from staff or clients and I feel this is been used as an excuse to further treat those with dementia and their carers with contempt. I'm sorry but your post has made me extremely annoyed at your plight.

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