Feel for you and all the other Carers and families of loved one's going through the same. There are so many of us. We have two Mums one with vascular dementia one with Lewy body . Covid came and added more pressure on Carers and Dementia Patients. It has highlighted the care system enormously, It is not your loved one you are caring for that has exhausted you beyond belief emotionally and financially it is the system.
It is called the Care System, the Government needs to make this a priority and listen to the people who do Care and help us now and for the future.
Carol Iles
saysFeel for you and all the other Carers and families of loved one's going through the same. There are so many of us. We have two Mums one with vascular dementia one with Lewy body . Covid came and added more pressure on Carers and Dementia Patients. It has highlighted the care system enormously, It is not your loved one you are caring for that has exhausted you beyond belief emotionally and financially it is the system.
It is called the Care System, the Government needs to make this a priority and listen to the people who do Care and help us now and for the future.