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I think you are all absolutely marvellous. I feel like I’m failing when I read these lovely stories of endurance, I am a disabled person, my husband was my carer. He was diagnosed with dementia in 2016 . I’ve been caring for him ever since. We had to move house because we had acres of garden and were quite remote. He became unable and unwilling to do any gardening. I sorted the move out and then
Found he hadn’t been on top of any paperwork for years, it was a horror story. Our sons are abroad and the one child in England is not interested in hands on help.
Lockdown has been disastrous for us both. He has become much more confused , despite my best efforts trying to keep him stimulated and doing exercises with him. I’ve now found out that I have a third recurrence of Bladder cancer and I just don’t know which way to turn. Ive put off any surgery for three months hoping Covid would abate and my son could help , only to find that he would have to spend 10 days in a hotel.
I now sometimes feel like jumping off a Cliff, It would be easier. It seems that every way I turn is a dead end and another problem looms. Normally I’m a very positive person and used to dealing with a lot of issues all the time . Now I just feel worn out and worried to death. It is so wrong that the Government let willing carers struggle incessantly trying to hold it all together.

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