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Hi I’m Claire, I’m 56 and work as a day unit sister on a busy haematology unit administering blood, chemo and other infusions. I’m 55 and 11years ago I had a stem cell transplant for leukaemia, whilst in hospital for 5 months I also had 2 admissions to ITU on a ventilator, serotonin syndrome and total body irradiation. After my transplant i would get words mixed up - I would say fublic pootpath instead of public footpath - I used to call them claireisms. I would say the past year I’ve noticed my memory being a lot worse, misplacing items, forgetting people’s names, mainly at work, having vacant episodes where I’d completely forget what I was doing, forgetting within minutes conversations I’d just had, I decided I would go to GP - I had an in-depth memory test and scored 83/100 - which is a couple of points lower than someone of my age, so I went for an mri - luckily it’s not dementia- but because of failed memory test I have to have a further 2 cognition tests. I have just been reading about functional cognitive disorder and all My symptoms to do with memory sound like it’s pointing to this. I’m currently on the sick from work as I can’t do clinical anymore until risk assessments have been completed. So still in limbo really.
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