Hi, I came across this site when searching for, well I don’t know, maybe people going through the same as me or some help/ advice I don’t really know. A quick history, my mum started with dementia in her late 50’s after her mum and dad died, but her symptoms haven’t got worse since then (12 years), I worry I am developing dementia too, I struggle every day just to string a sentence together, I have ME and under active thyroid so I know they play a part in the symptoms, but I feel like there is something more going on but don’t want to seem like a hypochondriac. Before being in hospital with covid I was a behavioural therapist now I work in a chip shop and struggle to even remember orders that I’ve just been given. So I understand the feeling of losing who you are and feeling scared that this is it now for the rest of our life 😟
Jennifer Threlfall