I was just Dx with FCD and memory deficit.. I have cognitive issues I never had before..I have lost my Proferal vision and can no longer drive due to perception issues.. I have a hard time understanding and comprehend when people speak to me.. I had a cardiac effect after a CVA I died and brought back.. The second event I lost my ability to speak and I had drooping of my face.. Finally they gave me TPA drug and my ability to make clear speech came back.. I was in ICU.. Came home and was having problems with word finding and calling my family Mary and not being able to function.. Now I have gotten lost and ask where we’re going repeatedly and I always had patience and find everything sets me off.. I was a T1Teacher and cannot do simple math or even tell time anymore..Now I am having problems with thinking I have more money than I have like counting a 5 for a 10..I cannot remember my pins at times My Birth date a times.. I’ve had totally had no idea who my mom was and I stared at her Finally I realized who she was.. This sounds like it’s coming from my brain.. I am lost in a world that doesn’t understand me..and I It..