My father has dementia and is now doubly incontinent. 'Accidents'- major ones are a daily occurrence and you just don't know what you are going to be met with, He lives alone with carers coming in a couple of times a day but they just help with domestic stuff. He refuses to shower and is now getting infections. I find myself sinking into depression. I would prefer that he goes into a care home but he is fighting it. The GP doesn't seem to get it. I am at the point of withdrawing from him completely to save my mental health as i just cant cope. Where is the support for family?
Karen Shaw
saysMy father has dementia and is now doubly incontinent. 'Accidents'- major ones are a daily occurrence and you just don't know what you are going to be met with, He lives alone with carers coming in a couple of times a day but they just help with domestic stuff. He refuses to shower and is now getting infections. I find myself sinking into depression. I would prefer that he goes into a care home but he is fighting it. The GP doesn't seem to get it. I am at the point of withdrawing from him completely to save my mental health as i just cant cope. Where is the support for family?