So many people do not think about the individual’s history or personal preferences and how distressed people can be if not appropriately dressed in their eyes they just say it’s ok you don’t need to change etc. My father would happily do the gardening in his work clothes but he would be devastated if he couldn’t shave, wear his chosen appropriate clothing and polish his shoes to wear if anyone including family were to see him or if he had to go out anywhere beyond the garden whether or not anyone might see him. You see this so often with the elderly especially in care homes. The care staff do not seem to grasp the importance of how someone might be dressed including makeup and hair if they are to leave their rooms and go to the dining room for meals etc. Once they go over their threshold in their bedroom etc they are actually in the public domain- so please if anyone says they need to tidy themselves up or get ready for dinner- please take them to their rooms to do so and think how you might feel going out on the town unhappy and completely inappropriately dressed and feeling insecure because of it . 5 mins of your time could make the world of difference to someone else x