Hi Caroline,
Thanks for getting in touch and glad you enjoyed the programme - wasn't it brilliant?
The best place to start might be to see if there's a Singing for the Brain group near you. You can find your nearest group from this page and then contact them to see if there are any opportunities to get involved: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/your-support-services/singing…
Best wishes, -- Alzheimer's Society blog team
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saysHi Caroline,
Thanks for getting in touch and glad you enjoyed the programme - wasn't it brilliant?
The best place to start might be to see if there's a Singing for the Brain group near you. You can find your nearest group from this page and then contact them to see if there are any opportunities to get involved: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/your-support-services/singing…
Best wishes,
Alzheimer's Society blog team