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Hi, after watching this incredible series I felt compelled to do something in support. My own father passed away in 2020 and apart from the horrendous CV19 virus that ultimately took him he suffered from Vascular Dementia. Music had always been part of Dads life, he was an accomplished Sax player and taught both my brother and I to play. My career is now in the Rock n Roll business as a sound engineer and technician working all over the world on gigs, festivals, and a whole host of events. It fair to say that Dads influence has to be why I do what I do now, and I am eternally grateful. As I am in between tours I have a bit of time on my hands this all started after a discussion with a great friend in our local pub. We got on to the subject of how music makes you feel, we delved further to question if a writer “just” knows when he or she has written a great hit, what makes us reach for the volume control in our car when one of our favourite tunes is played. As the night moved on other regulars joined our conversation, we discussed our favourite tracks and why they meant so much to us, some people just loved the tune, the lyrics, the rhythm, whilst others reflected on how personal events had made the track pertinent to them. What was clear was that we all have different tastes and reasons why we love music so much. So, armed with this information I suggested that we could arrange a night in the pub where I would bring in a system and we could all get to play a track or two that meant so much to us. This could be on Vinyl, CD, memory stick or device failing that, we could source via the Internet. For each track played a donation of £1 would be paid with all proceeds going to Alzheimer’s. We have just had the night and it was an overwhelming success, the locals turned up with everything including battered out old 7” singles, plenty of LP’s CD’s etc all with a story as to why they wanted it played. Tracks where played in the order that they arrived, and it was so much fun to hear punk followed by blues, followed by cheese no one cared what order they were in, in fact that was one of the reasons it was a great night. One guy turned up with an 8 track (we failed !), another said I’ll give you a tenner not to play my Mrs’s choice, smiles for all involved. In total we played around 40 odd tunes in a few hours, the generosity of the locals was superb and the £1 a track seemed to go out the window as we raised £227. I am truly humbled that in our little village we have raised a few pounds that will go on to help others, who knows it might be something that other communities could consider ? Just in case you are interested, this is a playlist that I have created after the event to capture what was listened to.…
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