Me myself loves music, it gives me such a feeling of excitement love and full of energy and making friends all through country music.
Since Alan Lawson built this family group called the T.U.T group ,better known as THUMBS UP THURS on Thurs from 6pm til 7pm and making me a admin is a lovely feeling and to watch the Main man Paul Jackson and his passion for all his different kind of music from rock blues country. It has been a honour to see Paul Jackson Live and to me is such a wonderful and well liked man ,just songs he sings blew me away. incredible voice just makes me happy to listen to him on Thurs makes my nights .
And the talent he has wow. X
Alison Goodall
saysMe myself loves music, it gives me such a feeling of excitement love and full of energy and making friends all through country music.
Since Alan Lawson built this family group called the T.U.T group ,better known as THUMBS UP THURS on Thurs from 6pm til 7pm and making me a admin is a lovely feeling and to watch the Main man Paul Jackson and his passion for all his different kind of music from rock blues country. It has been a honour to see Paul Jackson Live and to me is such a wonderful and well liked man ,just songs he sings blew me away. incredible voice just makes me happy to listen to him on Thurs makes my nights .
And the talent he has wow. X