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My mum has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and has just begun medication. I have four siblings and we all live close by. We have organised a rota to visit mum and support my Dad. However, not seeing my mum over lockdown and seeing her now has come as a real shock to me. I don’t understand why everyone is coping so well (they might not be) I worry all day about visiting and struggle to fit them in around work and my own children. I feel traumatised when I leave my mum as the changes seem to have appeared overnight. I feel guilty I don’t do as much as the others. My biggest fear is that I say or do the wrong thing and upset my mum. My husband has kindly taken my place this week on the rota but I am struggling to face going there again without getting upset. I love my mum but I am struggling to know how to deal with the situation. Work is very stressful at the moment which is probably why I struggle to keep my emotions in check when I am with her. I want to help but I feel helpless.

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