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Here in Norfolk we have an younger onset dementia support group (youngest diagnosed in 40s, oldest in 70s) convened by local Alz Soc consists of people with dementia and spouses/partners/unpaid carers. We have been running for a few years and the group is a life-saver. We exchange info on a range of practical stuff, financial and emotional as well as a vibrant social support.

Because of Covid, we can't now meet up for bowling, garden visits, music gigs, meals out, beach walks, shows and at socials at each other's houses, but we continue to talk via WA and Zoom - even doing virtual wine tasting and quizzes. We tell it like it really is and are supporting each other through thick &thin - and it's really thin at the moment. Ask your local Alz Soc if you have one similar near you - or get them to set up a virtual one like our Norfolk group.
There may also be a Carers' group near you, like Carers Matter Norfolk. Hope this helps. x

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