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Sorry to hear of your problem with your Mum and her illness.My wife of 50 years has had Alzheimer’s for ten years and I am her full time carer. It was only until recently I realised how little I know about my wife’s diagnosis and prognosis, like yourself. When I asked questions, I couldn’t get anywhere with my GP. I said I would make an appointment with a private hospital for a MRI scan , this seemed to kick some life into the medical people concerned and I finally got a face to face consultation with the doctor who “ diagnosed “ my wife’s illness. It’s depressing to keep getting fobbed off, but you have to persist. You can DEMAND a copy of the medical records from your GP and by law, they have to be provided. As for the medication, you MUST tell your GP , my wife was having palpitations with her prescription drugs, these were changed immediately, but I also don’t know if they do any good. I hope I may have helped

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