I am at the early stages with my sister last year she was told she had alzhiemers but didn't say to me or the rest of the family she had it . i work nightshift in a supermarket and to be honest I thought it was old age and she keeps crying not wanting to go out to church or to see friends she has been bringing me down as well I have been worrying about her thinking perhaps it was the loss of my brother who died unexpected from a heart attack I have not had time to grieve as I have been seeing to her ,she ends up burning her food by walking away and forgetting it hence burnt offerings I have now taken over the cooking by preparing meals she loves to be waited on hand and foot and I get rather ratty I'm worried about my job as this year I've been ill with chest infections and now depression I cannot afford to loose my job as I pay the mortgage .I'm wondering if it's all related to being at breaking point with my nerves on edge, I have taken her to the doctor to be assessed as she is in denial but we have told her she won't be put in a home like my mum I will do my best to look after her but I'm fretful of finances.the doctor has seen her and put her in for straight referal.she said I needed to go sick as I had very bad depression I have gone into not wanting to speak to anyone being ratty bad tempered feeling no good about myself but trying to cope .
saysI am at the early stages with my sister last year she was told she had alzhiemers but didn't say to me or the rest of the family she had it . i work nightshift in a supermarket and to be honest I thought it was old age and she keeps crying not wanting to go out to church or to see friends she has been bringing me down as well I have been worrying about her thinking perhaps it was the loss of my brother who died unexpected from a heart attack I have not had time to grieve as I have been seeing to her ,she ends up burning her food by walking away and forgetting it hence burnt offerings I have now taken over the cooking by preparing meals she loves to be waited on hand and foot and I get rather ratty I'm worried about my job as this year I've been ill with chest infections and now depression I cannot afford to loose my job as I pay the mortgage .I'm wondering if it's all related to being at breaking point with my nerves on edge, I have taken her to the doctor to be assessed as she is in denial but we have told her she won't be put in a home like my mum I will do my best to look after her but I'm fretful of finances.the doctor has seen her and put her in for straight referal.she said I needed to go sick as I had very bad depression I have gone into not wanting to speak to anyone being ratty bad tempered feeling no good about myself but trying to cope .