It’s a horrible deicease. My husband was diagnosed years ago. So hard to see my husband of 53 years become a empty shell of the man he once was. He is now losing his words. Very hard to know what he is trying to say. As he needs help with most things. He can still walk and goes to bathroom him self.. but needs help with everything else. To help me he goes to a adult day program for people with memory loss. This has helped me so much. This has relieved my stress level and now have time to take care of me. This way I,m hoping I can keep him home with me.
Also I have my children and adult grandkids to help me.. they come when they can. But all work and have busy life’s.
Gail kilbride
saysIt’s a horrible deicease. My husband was diagnosed years ago. So hard to see my husband of 53 years become a empty shell of the man he once was. He is now losing his words. Very hard to know what he is trying to say. As he needs help with most things. He can still walk and goes to bathroom him self.. but needs help with everything else. To help me he goes to a adult day program for people with memory loss. This has helped me so much. This has relieved my stress level and now have time to take care of me. This way I,m hoping I can keep him home with me.
Also I have my children and adult grandkids to help me.. they come when they can. But all work and have busy life’s.